SB45,1446,217(2) Special enrollment period. A health benefit plan or self-insured health
18plan shall allow a pregnant individual who is eligible for coverage under the plan,
19and any individual who is eligible for coverage under the plan because of a
20relationship to the pregnant individual, to enroll for coverage at any time during the
21pregnancy. The coverage shall begin no later than the first day of the first calendar
22month in which the pregnant individual receives medical verification of the

1pregnancy, except that a pregnant individual may direct coverage to begin on the
2first day of any month occurring during the pregnancy.
SB45,1446,63(3) Notice. An insurer offering group health insurance coverage in this state
4shall provide notice of the special enrollment period under sub. (2) at or before the
5time an individual is initially offered the opportunity to enroll for coverage under
6the plan.
SB45,29377Section 2937. 632.76 (2) (a) and (ac) 1. and 2. of the statutes are amended to
SB45,1446,169632.76 (2) (a) No claim for loss incurred or disability commencing after 2
10years from the date of issue of the policy may be reduced or denied on the ground
11that a disease or physical condition existed prior to the effective date of coverage,
12unless the condition was excluded from coverage by name or specific description by
13a provision effective on the date of loss. This paragraph does not apply to a group
14health benefit plan, as defined in s. 632.745 (9), which is subject to s. 632.746, a
15disability insurance policy, as defined in s. 632.895 (1) (a), or a self-insured health
16plan, as defined in s. 632.85 (1) (c).
SB45,1446,2217(ac) 1. Notwithstanding par. (a), no No claim or loss incurred or disability
18commencing after 12 months from the date of issue of under an individual disability
19insurance policy, as defined in s. 632.895 (1) (a), may be reduced or denied on the
20ground that a disease or physical condition existed prior to the effective date of
21coverage, unless the condition was excluded from coverage by name or specific
22description by a provision effective on the date of the loss.
SB45,1447,6232. Except as provided in subd. 3., an An individual disability insurance policy,

1as defined in s. 632.895 (1) (a), other than a short-term policy limited duration plan
2subject to s. 632.7495 (4) and (5), may not define a preexisting condition more
3restrictively than a condition that was present before the date of enrollment for the
4coverage, whether physical or mental, regardless of the cause of the condition, for
5which and regardless of whether medical advice, diagnosis, care, or treatment was
6recommended or received within 12 months before the effective date of coverage.
SB45,29387Section 2938. 632.76 (2) (ac) 3. (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB45,1447,108632.76 (2) (ac) 3. (intro.) Except as the commissioner provides by rule under s.
9632.7495 (5), all of the following apply to an individual disability insurance policy
10that is a short-term policy, limited duration plan subject to s. 632.7495 (4) and (5):
SB45,293911Section 2939. 632.76 (2) (ac) 3. b. of the statutes is amended to read:
SB45,1447,1712632.76 (2) (ac) 3. b. The policy shall reduce the length of time during which a
13may not impose any preexisting condition exclusion may be imposed by the
14aggregate of the insureds consecutive periods of coverage under the insurers
15individual disability insurance policies that are short-term policies subject to s.
16632.7495 (4) and (5). For purposes of this subd. 3. b., coverage periods are
17consecutive if there are no more than 63 days between the coverage periods.
SB45,294018Section 2940. 632.795 (4) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB45,1448,619632.795 (4) (a) An insurer subject to sub. (2) shall provide coverage under the
20same policy form and for the same premium as it originally offered in the most
21recent enrollment period, subject only to the medical underwriting used in that
22enrollment period. Unless otherwise prescribed by rule, the insurer may apply
23deductibles, preexisting condition limitations, waiting periods, or other limits only
24to the extent that they would have been applicable had coverage been extended at

1the time of the most recent enrollment period and with credit for the satisfaction or
2partial satisfaction of similar provisions under the liquidated insurers policy or
3plan. The insurer may exclude coverage of claims that are payable by a solvent
4insurer under insolvency coverage required by the commissioner or by the
5insurance regulator of another jurisdiction. Coverage shall be effective on the date
6that the liquidated insurers coverage terminates.
SB45,29417Section 2941. 632.848 of the statutes is created to read:
SB45,1448,98632.848 Exemption from prior authorization requirements. (1) In this
SB45,1448,1210(a) Evaluation period means the period of time established by the
11commissioner by rule that is used to evaluate whether a health care provider
12qualifies for an exemption from obtaining prior authorizations under sub. (2).
SB45,1448,1313(b) Health benefit plan has the meaning given in s. 632.745 (11).
SB45,1448,1414(c) Health care item or service includes all of the following:
SB45,1448,15151. Prescription drugs.
SB45,1448,16162. Laboratory testing.
SB45,1448,17173. Medical equipment.
SB45,1448,18184. Medical supplies.
SB45,1448,1919(d) Health care provider has the meaning given in s. 146.81 (1) (a) to (p).
SB45,1448,2320(e) Prior authorization means a determination by a health benefit plan, self-
21insured health plans, or person contracting with a health benefit plan or self-
22insured health plan that health care items or services proposed to be provided to a
23patient are medically necessary and appropriate.
SB45,1448,2424(f) Self-insured health plan has the meaning given in s. 632.85 (1) (c).
1(2) The commissioner may by rule provide that any health benefit plan or self-
2insured health plan that uses a prior authorization process shall exempt health
3care providers from obtaining prior authorizations for a health care item or service
4for a period of time established by the commissioner if, in the most recent
5evaluation period, the health benefit plan or self-insured health plan has approved
6or would have approved not less than the proportion of prior authorization requests
7established under sub. (3) submitted by the health care provider for the health care
8item or service.
SB45,1449,129(3) The commissioner shall specify the proportion of prior authorization
10requests submitted by a health care provider that have to be approved for the health
11care provider to qualify for an exemption from obtaining prior authorizations under
12sub. (2).
SB45,1449,1513(4) The commissioner may specify by rule the health care items or services
14that may be subject to the exemption from obtaining prior authorizations under
15sub. (2).
SB45,1449,1816(5) The commissioner may specify how health care providers may obtain an
17exemption from obtaining prior authorizations under sub. (2) including by
18providing a process for automatic evaluation.
SB45,1449,2019(6) The commissioner may promulgate further rules necessary to implement
20this section.