AB68,2934 10Section 2934 . 632.35 of the statutes is amended to read:
AB68,1521,15 11632.35 Prohibited rejection, cancellation and nonrenewal. No insurer
12may cancel or refuse to issue or renew an automobile insurance policy wholly or
13partially because of one or more of the following characteristics of any person: age,
14sex, residence, race, color, creed, religion, national origin, ancestry, marital status or,
15occupation, or status as a holder or nonholder of a license under s. 343.03 (3r).
AB68,2935 16Section 2935. 632.728 of the statutes is created to read:
AB68,1521,18 17632.728 Coverage of persons with preexisting conditions; guaranteed
18issue; benefit limits.
(1) Definitions. In this section:
AB68,1521,2019 (a) “Cost sharing” includes deductibles, coinsurance, copayments, or similar
AB68,1521,2121 (b) “Health benefit plan” has the meaning given in s. 632.745 (11).
AB68,1521,2222 (c) “Self-insured health plan” has the meaning given in s. 632.85 (1) (c).
AB68,1522,3 23(2) Guaranteed issue. (a) Every individual health benefit plan shall accept
24every individual in this state who, and every group health benefit plan shall accept
25every employer in this state that, applies for coverage, regardless of sexual

1orientation, gender identity, or whether or not any employee or individual has a
2preexisting condition. A health benefit plan may restrict enrollment in coverage
3described in this paragraph to open or special enrollment periods.
AB68,1522,64 (b) The commissioner shall establish a statewide open enrollment period of no
5shorter than 30 days for every individual health benefit plan to allow individuals,
6including individuals who do not have coverage, to enroll in coverage.
AB68,1522,11 7(3) Prohibiting discrimination based on health status. (a) An individual
8health benefit plan or a self-insured health plan may not establish rules for the
9eligibility of any individual to enroll, or for the continued eligibility of any individual
10to remain enrolled, under the plan based on any of the following health
11status-related factors in relation to the individual or a dependent of the individual:
AB68,1522,1212 1. Health status.
AB68,1522,1313 2. Medical condition, including both physical and mental illnesses.
AB68,1522,1414 3. Claims experience.
AB68,1522,1515 4. Receipt of health care.
AB68,1522,1616 5. Medical history.
AB68,1522,1717 6. Genetic information.
AB68,1522,1918 7. Evidence of insurability, including conditions arising out of acts of domestic
AB68,1522,2020 8. Disability.
AB68,1523,221 (b) An insurer offering an individual health benefit plan or a self-insured
22health plan may not require any individual, as a condition of enrollment or continued
23enrollment under the plan, to pay, on the basis of any health status-related factor
24under par. (a) with respect to the individual or a dependent of the individual, a
25premium or contribution or a deductible, copayment, or coinsurance amount that is

1greater than the premium or contribution or deductible, copayment, or coinsurance
2amount respectively for a similarly situated individual enrolled under the plan.
AB68,1523,63 (c) Nothing in this subsection prevents an insurer offering an individual health
4benefit plan or a self-insured health plan from establishing premium discounts or
5rebates or modifying otherwise applicable cost sharing in return for adherence to
6programs of health promotion and disease prevention.
AB68,1523,9 7(4) Premium rate variation. A health benefit plan offered on the individual or
8small employer market or a self-insured health plan may vary premium rates for a
9specific plan based only on the following considerations:
AB68,1523,1010 (a) Whether the policy or plan covers an individual or a family.
AB68,1523,1111 (b) Rating area in the state, as established by the commissioner.
AB68,1523,1412 (c) Age, except that the rate may not vary by more than 3 to 1 for adults over
13the age groups and the age bands shall be consistent with recommendations of the
14National Association of Insurance Commissioners.
AB68,1523,1515 (d) Tobacco use, except that the rate may not vary by more than 1.5 to 1.
AB68,1523,20 16(5) Statewide risk pool. An insurer offering a health benefit plan may not
17segregate enrollees into risk pools other than a single statewide risk pool for the
18individual market and a single statewide risk pool for the small employer market or
19a single statewide risk pool that combines the individual and small employer
AB68,1523,22 21(6) Annual and lifetime limits. An individual or group health benefit plan or
22a self-insured health plan may not establish any of the following:
AB68,1523,2423 (a) Lifetime limits on the dollar value of benefits for an enrollee or a dependent
24of an enrollee under the plan.
1(b) Annual limits on the dollar value of benefits for an enrollee or a dependent
2of an enrollee under the plan.