Academic credits transferred from military transcripts to UW System schools or TCS schools: the student may object to the transfer - SB205
Academic credits transferred from military transcripts to UW System schools or TCS schools: the student may object to the transfer - AB230
Application fees at UW System schools and technical colleges: exemption for veterans and armed forces members - AB663
Application fees at UW System schools and technical colleges: exemption for veterans and armed forces members - SB588
Apprenticeship expenses grants: TCS Board may award to technical college students, conditions set - AB36
Apprenticeship expenses grants: TCS Board may award to technical college students, conditions set - SB44
Career and Technical Education Month: February 2019 recognized as - AR3
Career and Technical Education Month: February 2020 recognized as - AR19
Dental therapy training program: one time grants to educational institutions [Sec. 9119 (1)] - SB59
Dental therapy training program: one time grants to educational institutions [Sec. 9119 (1); original bill only] - AB56
Early College Credit Program and dual enrollment program in technical colleges replaced with requirement that the UW System and technical college district boards implement programs to provide tuition-free courses to eligible high school students [Sec. 154, 229, 352-354, 360, 363, 375-379, 381, 384, 1325, 1418, 1438, 1439, 1561, 1600, 1601, 1685, 1693; original bill only] - AB56
Early College Credit Program and dual enrollment program in technical colleges replaced with requirement that the UW System and technical college district boards implement programs to provide tuition-free courses to eligible high school students [Sec. 154, 229, 352-354, 360, 363, 375-379, 381, 384, 1325, 1418, 1438, 1439, 1561, 1600, 1601, 1685, 1693] - SB59
Farmer tuition assistance grants for low-income farmers: DATCP appropriation - SB505
Farmer tuition assistance grants for low-income farmers: DATCP appropriation - AB524
Fee remission program for certain veterans enrolled in a UW System school or TCS school: expanded to include noncredit courses - AB218
Human trafficking: commercial driver education courses must include instruction on recognizing and preventing - SB25
Human trafficking: commercial driver education courses must include instruction on recognizing and preventing - AB22
Independent charter school authorizers cannot contract with new charter schools until set date [Sec. 1567, 1568, 1573-1577] - SB59
Independent charter school authorizers cannot contract with new charter schools until set date [Sec. 1567, 1568, 1573-1577; original bill only] - AB56
Late receipt of student’s veterans benefits: UW System school or technical college prohibited from taking adverse action - SB142
Late receipt of student’s veterans benefits: UW System school or technical college prohibited from taking adverse action - AB161
National guard and other service members who withdraw from college when called to active duty: responsibilities of colleges revised and expands protections to students at all private institutions - AB361
National guard and other service members who withdraw from college when called to active duty: responsibilities of colleges revised and expands protections to students at all private institutions - SB334
Nonresident tuition exemption for technical college and UW System students who are citizens of another country, not legal permanent residents of the U.S., and meet specified requirements [Sec. 364, 382, 9342 (2), 9347 (2); original bill only] - AB56
Nonresident tuition exemption for technical college and UW System students who are citizens of another country, not legal permanent residents of the U.S., and meet specified requirements [Sec. 364, 382, 9342 (2), 9347 (2)] - SB59
Northcentral Technical College: DWD grant for workforce training in county jail facilities [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 9150 (7i)] - AB56
Student ID cards: contact information for suicide prevention and crisis support hotlines required [S.Amdt.1: private school provision removed, higher education institution limited to UW System and technical colleges] - AB531
Student victims of sexual violence and harassment: UW System and TCS to provide reasonable accommodations - AB1000
Student victims of sexual violence and harassment: UW System and TCS to provide reasonable accommodations - SB882