AB68-SSA1,1602,1916 (2) Prescription drug cost survey. The commissioner of insurance shall
17conduct a statistically valid survey of pharmacies in this state regarding whether the
18pharmacy agreed to not disclose that customer drug benefit cost sharing exceeds the
19cost of the dispensed drug.
AB68-SSA1,1602,2320 (3) Public option health insurance plan. The office of the commissioner of
21insurance may expend from the appropriation under s. 20.145 (1) (a) in fiscal year
222021-22 not more than $900,000 for the development of a public option health
23insurance plan.
AB68-SSA1,1603,1224 (4) Health insurance premium assistance program. The commissioner of
25insurance shall develop a program to provide, beginning no later than plan year

12024, health insurance premium assistance to any resident of this state who
2purchases a silver level plan on the exchange, as defined in s. 628.90 (1), and whose
3household income exceeds 133 percent of the poverty line before application of the
45 percent income disregard as described in 42 CFR 435.603 (d), but does not exceed
5250 percent of the poverty line. The assistance shall equal the difference between
6the lowest-cost silver level plan and lowest-cost bronze level plan in the individual's
7county of residence. The commissioner of insurance shall include a cost estimate of
8the program with the 2023-24 biennial budget submission for the office of the
9commissioner of insurance. In this subsection, “bronze level plan” means a plan
10described in 42 USC 18022 (d) (1) (A), “poverty line” means the poverty line as defined
11and revised annually under 42 USC 9902 (2) for a family the size of the individual's
12family, and “silver level plan” means a plan described in 42 USC 18022 (d) (1) (B).
AB68-SSA1,1603,1513 (5) Prescription drug purchasing entity. During the 2021-2023 fiscal
14biennium, the office of the commissioner of insurance shall conduct a study on the
15viability of creating or implementing a state prescription drug purchasing entity.
AB68-SSA1,1603,1616 (6) School district group health insurance task force.
AB68-SSA1,1603,1917 (a) The commissioner of insurance shall establish a committee called the
18“School District Group Health Insurance Task Force.” The task force shall consist
19of the following members appointed by the governor:
AB68-SSA1,1603,20 201. One representative from the office of the commissioner of insurance.
AB68-SSA1,1603,21 212. One representative from the department of administration.
AB68-SSA1,1603,22 223. One representative from the department of public instruction.
AB68-SSA1,1603,23 234. One representative from the department of employee trust funds.
AB68-SSA1,1603,24 245. One administrator of a school district.
AB68-SSA1,1603,25 256. One business official of a school district.
17. One member of a school board.
AB68-SSA1,1604,2 28. One official of a public employee union.
AB68-SSA1,1604,3 39. Three employees of public schools.
AB68-SSA1,1604,4 410. One representative of a health plan.
AB68-SSA1,1604,65 (b) The representative from the office of the commissioner of insurance shall
6be the chairperson of the task force.
AB68-SSA1,1604,117 (c) Based on consultation with the task force, and review of the actuarial report
8required under Section 9113 (6 ) of this act, the commissioner of insurance and the
9secretary of employee trust funds shall develop an implementation plan, which, if
10enacted, would require all school districts in this state to participate in a group
11health insurance program offered by the group insurance board by January 1, 2024.
AB68-SSA1,1604,1412 (d) The commissioner of insurance and the secretary of employee trust funds
13shall submit the implementation plan to the governor and the joint committee of
14finance by December 31, 2022.
AB68-SSA1,1604,2015 (7) Prescription drug affordability review board. Notwithstanding the
16length of terms specified for the members of the board under s. 15.735 (1) (b) to (e),
172 of the initial members shall be appointed for terms expiring on May 1, 2023; 2 of
18the initial members shall be appointed for terms expiring on May 1, 2024; 2 of the
19initial members shall be appointed for terms expiring on May 1, 2025, and 2 of the
20initial members shall be appointed for terms expiring on May 1, 2026.
AB68-SSA1,9124 21Section 9124. Nonstatutory provisions; Investment Board.
AB68-SSA1,9125 22Section 9125. Nonstatutory provisions; Joint Committee on Finance.
AB68-SSA1,9126 23Section 9126. Nonstatutory provisions; Judicial Commission.
AB68-SSA1,9127 24Section 9127. Nonstatutory provisions; Justice.
1(1) Sexual assault kits. Within 180 days of the effective date of this subsection,
2the department of justice shall promulgate emergency rules under s. 227.24 to
3implement s. 165.775 for the period before the effective date of the permanent rules
4but not to exceed the period authorized under s. 227.24 (1) (c), subject to extension
5under s. 227.24 (2). Notwithstanding s. 227.24 (1) (a), (2) (b), and (3), the department
6is not required to provide evidence that promulgating a rule under this subsection
7as an emergency rule is necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health,
8safety, or welfare and is not required to provide a finding of emergency for a rule
9promulgated under this subsection.
AB68-SSA1,1605,1310 (2) Sentencing review council; report. No later than July 1, 2022, the
11sentencing review council shall submit a report on its findings and recommendations
12under s. 165.27 (1) to (4) to the attorney general under s. 15.09 (7) and to the
13appropriate standing committees of the legislature under s. 13.172 (3).
AB68-SSA1,9128 14Section 9128. Nonstatutory provisions; Legislature.
AB68-SSA1,1605,1515 (1) Redistricting.
AB68-SSA1,1605,1616 (a) Definitions. In this subsection: