AB50,1425,822(5) Notice by provider or facility. Beginning no later than January 1, 232026, a health care provider or health care facility shall make available, including
1posting on a website, to enrollees in defined network plans, preferred provider 2plans, and self-insured governmental plans notice of the requirements on a provider 3or facility under sub. (4), of any other applicable state law requirements on the 4provider or facility with respect to charging an enrollee for an item or service if the 5provider or facility does not have a contractual relationship with the plan, and of 6information on contacting appropriate state or federal agencies in the event the 7enrollee believes the provider or facility violates any of the requirements under this 8section or other applicable law. AB50,1426,29(6) Negotiation; dispute resolution. A provider or facility that is entitled 10to receive an initial payment or notice of denial under sub. (2) (c) 4. a. or (3) (c) may 11initiate, within 30 days of receiving the initial payment or notice of denial, open 12negotiations with the defined network plan, preferred provider plan, or self-insured 13governmental plan to determine a payment amount for an emergency medical 14service or other item or service for a period that terminates 30 days after initiating 15open negotiations. If the open negotiation period under this subsection terminates 16without determination of a payment amount, the provider, facility, defined network 17plan, preferred provider plan, or self-insured governmental plan may initiate, 18within the 4 days beginning on the day after the open negotiation period ends, the 19independent dispute resolution process as specified by the commissioner. If the 20independent dispute resolution decision-maker determines the payment amount, 21the party to the independent dispute resolution process whose amount was not 22selected shall pay the fees for the independent dispute resolution. If the parties to 23the independent dispute resolution reach a settlement on the payment amount, the
1parties to the independent dispute resolution shall equally divide the payment for 2the fees for the independent dispute resolution. AB50,1426,33(7) Continuity of care. (a) In this subsection: AB50,1426,441. “Continuing care patient” means an individual who is any of the following: AB50,1426,65a. Undergoing a course of treatment for a serious and complex condition from 6a provider or facility. AB50,1426,87b. Undergoing a course of institutional or inpatient care from a provider or 8facility. AB50,1426,109c. Scheduled to undergo nonelective surgery, including receipt of postoperative 10care, from a provider or facility. AB50,1426,1211d. Pregnant and undergoing a course of treatment for the pregnancy from a 12provider or facility. AB50,1426,1413e. Terminally ill and receiving treatment for the illness from a provider or 14facility. AB50,1426,15152. “Serious and complex condition” means any of the following: AB50,1426,1816a. In the case of an acute illness, a condition that is serious enough to require 17specialized medical treatment to avoid the reasonable possibility of death or 18permanent harm. AB50,1426,2119b. In the case of a chronic illness or condition, a condition that is life-20threatening, degenerative, potentially disabling, or congenital and requires 21specialized medical care over a prolonged period. AB50,1427,622(b) If an enrollee is a continuing care patient and is obtaining items or 23services from a participating provider or participating facility and the contract
1between the defined network plan, preferred provider plan, or self-insured 2governmental plan and the provider or facility is terminated because of a change in 3the terms of the participation of the provider or facility in the plan or the contract 4between the defined network plan, preferred provider plan, or self-insured 5governmental plan and the provider or facility is terminated, resulting in a loss of 6benefits provided under the plan, the plan shall do all of the following: AB50,1427,971. Notify each enrollee of the termination of the contract or benefits and of the 8right for the enrollee to elect to continue transitional care from the participating 9provider or participating facility under this subsection. AB50,1427,11102. Provide the enrollee an opportunity to notify the plan of the need for 11transitional care. AB50,1427,18123. Allow the enrollee to elect to continue to have the benefits provided under 13the plan under the same terms and conditions as would have applied to the item or 14service if the termination had not occurred for the course of treatment related to the 15enrollee’s status as a continuing care patient beginning on the date on which the 16notice under subd. 1. is provided and ending 90 days after the date on which the 17notice under subd. 1. is provided or the date on which the enrollee is no longer a 18continuing care patient, whichever is earlier. AB50,1427,2119(c) The provisions of s. 609.24 apply to a continuing care patient to the extent 20that s. 609.24 does not conflict with this subsection so as to limit the enrollee’s 21rights under this subsection. AB50,1428,622(8) Rule making. The commissioner may promulgate any rules necessary to 23implement this section, including specifying the independent dispute resolution
1process under sub. (6). The commissioner may promulgate rules to modify the list 2of those items and services for which a provider may not bill or hold liable an 3enrollee under sub. (4) (c). In promulgating rules under this subsection, the 4commissioner may consider any rules promulgated by the federal department of 5health and human services pursuant to the federal No Surprises Act, 42 USC 6300gg-111, et seq. AB50,28997Section 2899. 609.20 (3) of the statutes is created to read: AB50,1428,148609.20 (3) The commissioner may promulgate rules to establish minimum 9network time and distance standards and minimum network wait-time standards 10for defined network plans and preferred provider plans. In promulgating rules 11under this subsection, the commissioner shall consider standards adopted by the 12federal centers for medicare and medicaid services for qualified health plans, as 13defined in 42 USC 18021 (a), that are offered through the federal health insurance 14exchange established pursuant to 42 USC 18041 (c). AB50,290015Section 2900. 609.24 (5) of the statutes is created to read: AB50,1428,1916609.24 (5) Duration of benefits. If an enrollee is a continuing care patient, 17as defined in s. 609.04 (7) (a), and if any of the situations described under s. 609.04 18(7) (b) (intro.) applies, all of the following apply to the enrollee’s defined network 19plan: AB50,1428,2220(a) Subsection (1) (c) shall apply to any of the participating providers 21providing the enrollee’s course of treatment under s. 609.04 (7), including the 22enrollee’s primary care physician. AB50,1429,223(b) Subsection (1) (c) shall apply to lengthen the period in which benefits are
1provided under s. 609.04 (7) (b) 3. but may not be applied to shorten the period in 2which benefits are provided under s. 609.04 (7) (b) 3. AB50,1429,43(c) Subsection (1) (d) may not be applied in a manner that limits the enrollee’s 4rights under s. 609.04 (7) (b) 3. AB50,1429,75(d) No plan may contract or arrange with a participating provider to provide 6notice of the termination of the participating provider’s participation, pursuant to 7sub. (4). AB50,29018Section 2901. 609.40 of the statutes is created to read: AB50,1429,109609.40 Special enrollment period for pregnancy. Preferred provider 10plans and defined network plans are subject to s. 632.7498. AB50,290211Section 2902. 609.712 of the statutes is created to read: