e. A description of requirements for the technical proposal for the project.
(b) The office shall advertise the request for qualifications by publication of a
17class 1 notice, as defined in s. 985.07 (1), in the official state newspaper and on the
18department's Internet site. The office may place similar notices in publications likely
19to inform potential bidders of the project. The office shall issue a request for
20qualifications or provide information as to where the request for qualifications may
21be obtained to any person, without regard to the qualifications of the person. The
22office shall include in all advertisements under this paragraph the location and scope
23of work, the amount of bid guarantee required, the date, time, and place of bid or
24proposal opening, and the date when and place where plans will be available.
1(c) The technical review committee shall certify at least 2 but not more than 4
2design-builders as qualified responsible bidders. If the office does not receive at
3least 2 responses to the request for qualifications or if the technical review committee
4certifies only one design-builder as a qualified responsible bidder, the office may
5re-advertise or cancel the project.
6(6) Request for proposals. (a) The office shall prepare a request for proposals
7for each design-build contract that includes all the following:
1. The name, title, address, and telephone numbers of persons to whom
9questions concerning the proposal should be directed.
2. The procedures to be followed for submitting proposals, including how
11proposals must be delivered, the date and time by which they must be received, and
12the name and address of the person who is to receive them.
3. The date and time of the pre-proposal conference, if any.
4. A requirement that a technical proposal and a cost proposal be submitted in
15separate sealed proposals at the same time.
5. A clear description of the scope of all design, engineering, and construction
6. The criteria for evaluating proposals and their relative weight, if applicable.
7. The design criteria package, including a description of drawings,
20specifications, or other information to be submitted with the proposals, which shall
21allow the design-builder to use innovative projects meeting the criteria.
8. The project schedule and budget limits, if any.
9. The proposed terms and conditions of the contract.
10. Requirements relating to performance bonds, payments bonds, and
111. Amount of stipend, if any.
12. The procedures for awarding a contract.
13. A process for the technical review committee to review and accept
4alternative technical concepts and value engineering change proposals.
14. A requirement that the design-builder perform not less than 30 percent of
6the construction services under the contract with labor provided by employees of the
7design-builder or member and equipment owned or rented by the design-builder or
15. Any other information the office determines is necessary.
(b) The technical review committee shall evaluate each technical proposal,
11which may include a confidential interview, and shall assign points in accordance
12with the request for proposals and subject to all of the following:
1. For a project that will be awarded as either a low bid design-build contract
14or a fixed price variable scope design-build contract, the technical review committee
15shall determine whether technical proposals are responsive to the request for
16proposals without ranking or scoring the proposals.
2. For a project that will be awarded as a best value design-build contract, the
18technical review committee shall determine whether technical proposals are
19responsive to the request for proposals and score each responsive technical proposal
20as required by the request for proposals. The technical review committee may award
21not more than 20 percent of the points awarded to a technical proposal based on the
22design-builder's qualifications and ability to design, contract, and deliver the project
23in accordance with any deadline established in the request for proposals. The
24technical review committee may award a technical proposal not more than 50
1percent of the maximum number of combined points that may be awarded to a
2technical proposal and cost proposal.
(c) The office shall allow design-builders to include alternative technical
4concepts and value engineering changes in their proposals by describing the process
5for submission and evaluation of alternative technical concepts and value
6engineering changes in the request for proposals.
(d) The technical review committee may not consider a proposal responsive
8unless the proposal includes a conceptual design, critical path method, bar schedule
9of the work to be performed or similar schematic, design plans and specifications,
10technical reports, and all other information required by the request for proposals.
11The technical review committee may not consider any price or fee included in the
12technical proposal.
(e) The office shall notify the design-builder for each proposal that is
14determined to be responsive under par. (b) that the design-builder may submit a cost
15proposal under par. (7). The office shall reject all proposals that are determined to
16be nonresponsive under par. (b).
17(7) Cost proposals. (a) Design-builders notified under sub. (6) (e) may submit
18a cost proposal and the proposal shall include a fixed cost of design, engineering, and
19construction services prepared by a design professional that contains all design,
20engineering, construction, and quality assurance and quality control costs of the
(b) The technical review committee may open cost proposals only after the
23technical proposals have been reviewed as provided in sub. (6). At the time and place
24specified in the request for proposals, the technical review committee shall open cost
25proposals, read the proposals aloud, and, for a project that will be awarded as a best
1value design-build contract, make public the committee's scoring of the technical
(c) Following a review of cost proposals, the department may issue a notice of
4intent to award a contract, subject to all of the following:
1. For a low bid design-build contract, the contract shall be awarded to the
6qualified responsible bidder that submitted a responsive technical proposal and also
7submitted the lowest responsive cost proposal.