AB68,2882 13Section 2882. 450.085 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB68,1485,2314 450.085 (1) An applicant for renewal of a license under s. 450.08 (2) (a) shall
15submit proof that he or she has completed, within the 2-year period immediately
16preceding the date of his or her application, 30 hours of continuing education in
17courses conducted by a provider that is approved by the Accreditation Council for
18Pharmacy Education or in courses approved by the board. The board may approve
19training prescribed under s. 450.02 (2c) as continuing education for purposes of this
Courses specified in s. 450.035 (1r) and (2) are courses in continuing
21education for purposes of this subsection. This subsection does not apply to an
22applicant for renewal of a license that expires on the first renewal date after the date
23on which the board initially granted the license.
AB68,2883 24Section 2883. 450.085 (3) of the statutes is created to read:
1450.085 (3) An applicant for renewal of a license under s. 450.08 (2) (a) may
2count, for purposes of the continuing education requirement under sub. (1), up to 10
3hours spent as a volunteer at a free and charitable clinic approved by the board.
AB68,2884 4Section 2884 . 450.10 (3) (a) 4. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB68,1486,55 450.10 (3) (a) 4. A dentist or dental therapist licensed under ch. 447.
AB68,2885 6Section 2885 . 450.13 (5m) of the statutes is created to read:
AB68,1486,117 450.13 (5m) Disclosures to consumers. (a) Each pharmacy shall post in a
8prominent place at or near the place where prescriptions are dispensed a sign that
9clearly describes a pharmacist's ability under this state's law to substitute a less
10expensive drug product equivalent under sub. (1s) unless the consumer or the
11prescribing practitioner has indicated otherwise under sub. (2).
AB68,1486,1612 (b) The pharmacy examining board shall create a list of the 100 most commonly
13prescribed generic drug product equivalents, including the generic and brand names
14of the drugs, and provide, either directly or on the department's Internet site, the list
15to each pharmacy on an annual basis. Each pharmacy shall make available to the
16public information on how to access the list under this paragraph.
AB68,1486,2117 (c) Each pharmacy shall have available for the public a listing of the retail price,
18updated no less frequently than monthly, of the 100 most commonly prescribed
19prescription drugs, which includes brand name and generic equivalent drugs and
20biological products and interchangeable biological products, that are available for
21purchase at the pharmacy.
AB68,2886 22Section 2886 . 450.135 (8m) of the statutes is created to read:
AB68,1487,223 450.135 (8m) Disclosure to consumers. Each pharmacy shall post in a
24prominent place at or near the place where prescriptions are dispensed a sign that
25clearly describes a pharmacist's ability under this state's law to substitute a less

1expensive interchangeable biological product under sub. (2) unless the consumer or
2the prescribing practitioner has indicated otherwise under sub. (3).
AB68,2887 3Section 2887 . 450.135 (9) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB68,1487,94 450.135 (9) Links to be maintained by board. The board shall maintain links
5on the department's Internet site to the federal food and drug administration's lists
6of all currently approved interchangeable biological products. Each pharmacy shall
7make available for the public information on how to access the federal food and drug
8administration's lists of all currently approved interchangeable biological products
9through the department's Internet site.
AB68,2888 10Section 2888 . 452.14 (3) (n) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB68,1487,1411 452.14 (3) (n) Treated any person unequally solely because of sex, race, color,
12handicap, national origin, ancestry, marital status, lawful source of income, status
13as a holder or nonholder of a license under s. 343.03 (3r),
or status as a victim of
14domestic abuse, sexual assault, or stalking, as defined in s. 106.50 (1m) (u).
AB68,2889 15Section 2889 . 462.02 (2) (d) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB68,1487,1816 462.02 (2) (d) A dentist licensed under s. 447.04 (1), a dental therapist licensed
17under s. 447.04 (1m),
a dental hygienist licensed under s. 447.04 (2), or a person
18under the direct supervision of a dentist.
AB68,2890 19Section 2890. 462.04 of the statutes is amended to read:
AB68,1488,3 20462.04 Prescription or order required. A person who holds a license or
21limited X-ray machine operator permit under this chapter may not use diagnostic
22X-ray equipment on humans for diagnostic purposes unless authorized to do so by
23prescription or order of a physician licensed under s. 448.04 (1) (a), a dentist licensed
24under s. 447.04 (1), a dental therapist licensed under s. 447.04 (1m), a podiatrist
25licensed under s. 448.63, a chiropractor licensed under s. 446.02, an advanced

1practice nurse certified under s. 441.16 (2), a physician assistant licensed under s.
2448.04 (1) (f), or, subject to s. 448.56 (7) (a), a physical therapist who is licensed under
3s. 448.53 or who holds a compact privilege under subch. IX of ch. 448.
AB68,2891 4Section 2891 . 463.10 (5) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB68,1488,85 463.10 (5) Exception. Subsections (2) to (4m) do not apply to a dentist who is
6licensed under s. 447.03 (1) or to a
, dental therapist, or physician who tattoos or
7offers to tattoo a person in the course of the dentist's, dental therapist's, or physician's
8professional practice.
AB68,2892 9Section 2892 . 463.12 (5) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB68,1488,1310 463.12 (5) Exception. Subsections (2) to (4m) do not apply to a dentist who is
11licensed under s. 447.03 (1) or to a
, dental therapist, or physician who pierces the
12body of or offers to pierce the body of a person in the course of the dentist's, dental
or physician's professional practice.
AB68,2893 14Section 2893. 551.614 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB68,1489,315 551.614 (2) Fees related to broker-dealers, agents, investment advisers,
16investment adviser representatives, and federal covered advisers.
17applicant for an initial or renewal license under s. 551.401, 551.402, 551.403, or
18551.404 shall pay a filing fee of $200 $300 in the case of a broker-dealer or
19investment adviser and $80 $100 in the case of an agent representing a
20broker-dealer or issuer or an investment adviser representative, except that, in the
21case of an agent representing a broker-dealer or issuer or an investment adviser
22representative, no fee is required for an individual who is eligible for the veterans
23fee waiver program under s. 45.44. Every federal covered adviser in this state that
24is required to make a notice filing under s. 551.405 shall pay an initial or renewal
25notice filing fee of $200 $300. A broker-dealer, investment adviser, or federal covered

1adviser maintaining a branch office within this state shall pay an additional filing
2fee of $80 $100 for each branch office. When an application is denied, or an
3application or a notice filing is withdrawn, the filing fee shall be retained.
AB68,2894 4Section 2894. 563.055 (6) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB68,1489,65 563.055 (6) All moneys received under this section shall be credited to the
6appropriation account under s. 20.505 (8) (jm) (jn).
AB68,2895 7Section 2895. 563.13 (4) of the statutes is amended to read: