AB50,1406,1919601.78 Definitions. In this subchapter: AB50,1406,2120(1) “Biologic” means a drug that is produced or distributed in accordance with 21a biologics license application approved under 21 CFR 601.20. AB50,1406,2322(2) “Biosimilar” means a drug that is produced or distributed in accordance 23with a biologics license application approved under 42 USC 262 (k) (3). AB50,1407,2
1(3) “Board” means the prescription drug affordability review board 2established under s. 15.735 (1). AB50,1407,53(4) “Brand name drug” means a drug that is produced or distributed in 4accordance with an original new drug application approved under 21 USC 355 (c), 5other than an authorized generic drug, as defined in 42 CFR 447.502. AB50,1407,96(5) “Financial benefit” includes an honorarium, fee, stock, the value of the 7stock holdings of a member of the board or any immediate family member of the 8member of the board, and any direct financial benefit deriving from the finding of a 9review conducted under s. 601.79. AB50,1407,1010(6) “Generic drug” means any of the following: AB50,1407,1211(a) A retail drug that is marketed or distributed in accordance with an 12abbreviated new drug application approved under 21 USC 355 (j). AB50,1407,1313(b) An authorized generic drug, as defined in 42 CFR 447.502. AB50,1407,1514(c) A drug that entered the market prior to 1962 and was not originally 15marketed under a new drug application. AB50,1407,1816(7) “Immediate family member” means a spouse, grandparent, parent, 17sibling, child, stepchild, or grandchild or the spouse of a grandparent, parent, 18sibling, child, stepchild, or grandchild. AB50,1407,1919(8) “Manufacturer” means an entity that does all of the following: AB50,1407,2220(a) Engages in the manufacture of a prescription drug product or enters into 21a lease with another entity to market and distribute a prescription drug product 22under the entity’s own name. AB50,1408,2
1(b) Sets or changes the wholesale acquisition cost of the prescription drug 2product described in par. (a). AB50,1408,33(9) “Pharmacy benefit manager” has the meaning given in s. 632.865 (1) (c). AB50,1408,54(10) “Prescription drug product” means a brand name drug, a generic drug, a 5biologic, or a biosimilar. AB50,28926Section 2892. 601.785 of the statutes is created to read: AB50,1408,117601.785 Prescription drug affordability review board. (1) Mission. 8The purpose of the board is to protect state residents, the state, local governments, 9health plans, health care providers, pharmacies licensed in this state, and other 10stakeholders of the health care system in this state from the high costs of 11prescription drug products. AB50,1408,1212(2) Powers and duties. (a) The board shall do all of the following: AB50,1408,15131. Meet in open session at least 4 times per year to review prescription drug 14product pricing information in the manner described in subd. 2., except that the 15chairperson may cancel or postpone a meeting if there is no business to transact. AB50,1408,17162. To the extent practicable, access and assess pricing information for 17prescription drug products by doing all of the following: AB50,1408,2018a. Accessing and assessing information from other states by entering into 19memoranda of understanding with other states to which manufacturers report 20pricing information. AB50,1408,2121b. Assessing spending for specific prescription drug products in this state. AB50,1408,2222c. Accessing other available pricing information. AB50,1408,2323(b) The board may do any of the following: AB50,1409,1
11. Promulgate rules for the administration of this subchapter. AB50,1409,622. Enter into a contract with an independent 3rd party for any service 3necessary to carry out the powers and duties of the board. Unless written 4permission is granted by the board, any person with whom the board contracts may 5not release, publish, or otherwise use any information to which the person has 6access under the contract. AB50,1409,97(c) The board shall establish and maintain a website to provide public notices 8and make meeting materials available under sub. (3) (a) and to disclose conflicts of 9interest under sub. (4) (d). AB50,1409,1310(3) Meeting requirements. (a) Pursuant to s. 19.84, the board shall provide 11public notice of each board meeting at least 2 weeks prior to the meeting and shall 12make the materials for each meeting publicly available at least one week prior to 13the meeting.