SB444,32 13Section 32 . 20.195 of the statutes is created to read:
SB444,15,16 1420.195 Wisconsin Student Loan Refinancing Authority. There is
15appropriated to the Wisconsin Student Loan Refinancing Authority for the following
SB444,16,2 17(1) Student loan refinancing program. (a) Initial funding. Biennially, the
18amounts in the schedule to fund the initial costs of operating the Wisconsin Student

1Loan Refinancing Authority and to start the student loan refinancing program under
2ch. 239.
SB444,33 3Section 33 . 39.28 (7) of the statutes is created to read:
SB444,16,64 39.28 (7) The board shall create on its Internet site a link to that portion of the
5department of financial institutions' Internet site created under s. 224.30 (6) (c) and
SB444,34 7Section 34 . 39.52 of the statutes is created to read:
SB444,16,21 839.52 Student loan debt reports. (1) By January 1 of each year, the Board
9of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System shall provide to the board the
10average amount of student loan debt incurred in the previous year by resident
11undergraduate students enrolled in each institution within that system, the
12technical college system board shall provide to the board the average amount of
13student loan debt incurred in the previous year by resident undergraduate students
14enrolled in each technical college within that system, each tribally controlled college
15in this state shall provide to the board the average amount of student loan debt
16incurred in the previous year by resident undergraduate students enrolled in that
17tribally controlled college, and the Wisconsin Association of Independent Colleges
18and Universities or a successor organization shall provide to the board the average
19amount of student loan debt incurred in the previous year by resident undergraduate
20students enrolled in each of the private, nonprofit accredited institutions of higher
21education in this state.
SB444,16,22 22(2) By March 1 of each year, the board shall do all of the following:
SB444,17,223 (a) Compile the information provided to the board under sub. (1) and, from that
24information, compute the statewide average amount of student loan debt incurred

1in the previous year by resident undergraduate students enrolled in the institutions
2specified in sub. (1).
SB444,17,53 (b) Compare the amount computed under par. (a) to the national average
4amount of student loan debt incurred in the previous year by undergraduate
5students enrolled in institutions of higher education in the United States.
SB444,17,96 (c) Compare the amount computed under par. (a) to the statewide average
7amount of student loan debt incurred in the previous year by undergraduate
8students in the state with the lowest ratio of statewide average student loan debt to
9the lowest quintile of state per capita income.
SB444,17,1410 (d) Submit to the joint committee on finance a report regarding student loan
11debt incurred in the previous year by resident undergraduate students at the
12institutions specified in sub. (1). The report shall include the information provided
13to the board under sub. (1), the statewide average amount of student loan debt
14computed under par. (a), and the comparisons described in pars. (b) and (c).
SB444,35 15Section 35 . 39.54 of the statutes is created to read:
SB444,17,22 1639.54 Student lending transparency. (1) In this section, “institution of
17higher education" means an institution or college campus within the University of
18Wisconsin System, a technical college within the technical college system, a tribally
19controlled college, or a private, nonprofit institution of higher education located in
20this state that provides an educational program for which the institution awards an
21associate degree or higher or provides a program that is acceptable toward such a
SB444,17,25 23(2) Each institution of higher education shall provide to a prospective or newly
24accepted student and to the student's parents clearly outlined and
25easy-to-understand information pertaining to all of the following:
1(a) The total cost of attendance at the institution of higher education.
SB444,18,62 (b) The approximate or, if known, the actual total amount of financial aid that
3the student would receive from the institution of higher education, and the
4approximate or, if known, the actual total amount of student loan debt that the
5student would accumulate, over the course of 4 years if the student were to attend
6the institution of higher education for 4 years.
SB444,18,97 (c) Student loan rates, repayment plans, default rates, and the actual monthly
8payment that would be required to pay the student loan debt described in par. (b)
9when the loan becomes due.
SB444,18,12 10(3) Each institution of higher education shall create on its Internet site a link
11to that portion of the department of financial institutions' Internet site created under
12s. 224.30 (6) (c) and (d).
SB444,36 13Section 36 . 39.56 of the statutes is created to read:
SB444,18,18 1439.56 Loan counseling. (1) Definition. In this section, “institution of higher
15education" means an institution or college campus within the University of
16Wisconsin System, a technical college under ch. 38, or any private, nonprofit,
17educational institution located in this state that provides an educational program for
18which it awards an associate degree or higher.
SB444,18,22 19(2) Applicability. This section applies to any student loan offered by an
20institution of higher education or a private lender or recommended to a student by
21an institution of higher education, other than a federally funded, federally insured,
22or federally guaranteed loan for which counseling is required by 20 USC 1092.
SB444,19,5 23(3) Entrance counseling. (a) Before a student enters into a student loan
24agreement, an institution of higher education shall provide the student with
25comprehensive information on the terms and conditions of a loan and the

1responsibilities the student has with respect to the loan. The institution shall
2provide the information during a counseling session conducted in person, on a
3written form provided to the student that the student signs and returns, or online,
4with the student acknowledging receipt of the information. The information
5provided shall include all of the following:
SB444,19,76 1. To the extent practicable, the effect of accepting the loan to be disbursed on
7the eligibility of the borrower for other forms of student financial assistance.
SB444,19,98 2. How interest accrues and is capitalized during periods when the interest is
9not paid by the borrower.
SB444,19,1210 3. The definitions of full-time and half-time enrollment at the institution of
11higher education, during regular terms and intersession terms, if applicable, and the
12consequences of not maintaining full-time or half-time enrollment.
SB444,19,1513 4. The importance of contacting the appropriate office at the institution of
14higher education if the borrower withdraws before completing his or her program of
15study so that the institution can provide counseling under sub. (4).
SB444,19,1716 5. Sample monthly repayment amounts, based on a range of levels of
SB444,19,2018 6. The obligation of the borrower to repay the full amount of the loan,
19irrespective of whether the borrower completes his or her program of study at the