SB45,1400,1613(h) The program shall ensure that a payment by a health plan or health
14insurance policy for a prescription drug imported under the program reimburses no
15more than the actual acquisition cost of the imported prescription drug that is
SB45,1400,1817(i) The program shall ensure that any health plan or health insurance policy
18participating in the program does all of the following:
SB45,1400,20191. Maintains a formulary and claims payment system with current
20information on prescription drugs imported under the program.
SB45,1400,23212. Bases cost-sharing amounts for participants or insureds under the plan or
22policy on no more than the actual acquisition cost of the prescription drug imported
23under the program that is dispensed to the participant or insured.
13. Demonstrates to the commissioner or a state agency designated by the
2commissioner how premiums under the plan or policy are affected by savings on
3prescription drugs imported under the program.
SB45,1401,64(j) Any wholesale distributor importing prescription drugs under the program
5shall limit its profit margin to the amount established by the commissioner or a
6state agency designated by the commissioner.
SB45,1401,87(k) The program may not import any generic prescription drug that would
8violate federal patent laws on branded products in the United States.
SB45,1401,139(L) The program shall comply with tracking and tracing requirements of 21
10USC 360eee and 360eee-1, to the extent practical and feasible, before the
11prescription drug to be imported comes into the possession of this states wholesale
12distributor and fully after the prescription drug to be imported is in the possession
13of this states wholesale distributor.
SB45,1401,1514(m) The program shall establish a fee or other mechanism to finance the
15program that does not jeopardize significant savings to residents of this state.
SB45,1401,1616(n) The program shall have an audit function that ensures all of the following:
SB45,1401,18171. The commissioner has a sound methodology to determine the most cost-
18effective prescription drugs to include in the program.
SB45,1401,20192. The commissioner has a process in place to select Canadian suppliers that
20are high quality, high performing, and in full compliance with Canadian laws.
SB45,1401,22213. Prescription drugs imported under the program are pure, unadulterated,
22potent, and safe.
SB45,1401,23234. The program is complying with the requirements of this subsection.
15. The program is adequately financed to support administrative functions of
2the program while generating significant cost savings to residents of this state.
SB45,1402,436. The program does not put residents of this state at a higher risk than if the
4program did not exist.
SB45,1402,657. The program provides and is projected to continue to provide substantial
6cost savings to residents of this state.
SB45,1402,97(2) Anticompetitive behavior. The commissioner, in consultation with the
8attorney general, shall identify the potential for and monitor anticompetitive
9behavior in industries affected by a prescription drug importation program.
SB45,1402,1910(3) Approval of program design; certification. No later than the first day
11of the 7th month beginning after the effective date of this subsection .... [LRB
12inserts date], the commissioner shall submit to the joint committee on finance a
13report that includes the design of the prescription drug importation program in
14accordance with this section. The commissioner may not submit the proposed
15program to the federal department of health and human services unless the joint
16committee on finance approves the proposed program. Within 14 days of the date of
17approval by the joint committee on finance of the proposed program, the
18commissioner shall submit to the federal department of health and human services
19a request for certification of the approved program.
SB45,1403,420(4) Implementation of certified program. After the federal department of
21health and human services certifies the prescription drug importation program
22submitted under sub. (3), the commissioner shall begin implementation of the
23program, and the program shall be fully operational by 180 days after the date of

1certification by the federal department of health and human services. The
2commissioner shall do all of the following to implement the program to the extent
3the action is in accordance with other state laws and the certification by the federal
4department of health and human services:
SB45,1403,75(a) Become a licensed wholesale distributor, designate another state agency to
6become a licensed wholesale distributor, or contract with a licensed wholesale
SB45,1403,98(b) Contract with one or more Canadian suppliers that meet the criteria in
9sub. (1) (c) and (n).
SB45,1403,1210(c) Create an outreach and marketing plan to communicate with and provide
11information to health plans and health insurance policies, employers, pharmacies,
12health care providers, and residents of this state on participating in the program.
SB45,1403,1513(d) Develop and implement a registration process for health plans and health
14insurance policies, pharmacies, and health care providers interested in
15participating in the program.
SB45,1403,1716(e) Create a publicly accessible source for listing prices of prescription drugs
17imported under the program.
SB45,1403,2018(f) Create, publicize, and implement a method of communication to promptly
19answer questions from and address the needs of persons affected by the
20implementation of the program before the program is fully operational.
SB45,1403,2221(g) Establish the audit functions under sub. (1) (n) with a timeline to complete
22each audit function every 2 years.
1(h) Conduct any other activities determined by the commissioner to be
2important to successful implementation of the program.
SB45,1404,43(5) Report. By January 1 and July 1 of each year, the commissioner shall
4submit to the joint committee on finance a report including all of the following: