SB70,,78967896(g) An advanced practice registered nurse shall adhere to professional standards when managing situations that are beyond the advanced practice registered nurse’s expertise. If a particular patient’s needs are beyond the advanced practice registered nurse’s expertise, the advanced practice registered nurse shall, as warranted by the patient’s needs, consult or collaborate with or refer the patient to at least one of the following:
SB70,,789778971. A physician licensed under ch. 448.
SB70,,789878982. Another health care provider for whom the advanced practice registered nurse has reasonable evidence of having a scope of practice that includes the authorization to address the patient’s needs.
SB70,,78997899(h) An advanced practice registered nurse licensed under this section may delegate a task or order to another clinically trained health care worker if the task or order is within the scope of the advanced practice registered nurse’s practice, the advanced practice registered nurse is competent to perform the task or issue the order, and the advanced practice registered nurse has reasonable evidence that the health care worker is minimally competent to perform the task or issue the order under the circumstances.
SB70,,79007900(i) An advanced practice registered nurse with a certified nurse-midwife specialty designation may not offer to deliver babies outside of a hospital setting unless the advanced practice registered nurse files with the board, and the board approves, a proactive plan for ensuring appropriate care or care transitions conforming with professional standards for patients with higher acuity or emergency care needs that exceed the advanced practice registered nurse’s scope of practice. An advanced practice registered nurse who offers to deliver babies outside of a hospital setting shall file a plan under this paragraph when applying for an initial license under this section or a renewal of a license under this section, shall keep the plan current with the board, and shall follow the plan.
SB70,,79017901(4) Continuing education. Every advanced practice registered nurse shall submit to the board evidence of having completed at least 16 contact hours per biennium in clinical pharmacology or therapeutics relevant to the advanced practice registered nurse’s area of practice. The board may promulgate rules regarding the continuing education requirements under this subsection.
SB70,,79027902(5) Malpractice liability insurance. No person may practice advanced practice registered nursing unless he or she at all times has in effect malpractice liability insurance coverage in the minimum amounts specified under s. 655.23 (4). An advanced practice registered nurse shall submit evidence of that coverage to the board when applying for an initial license under this section or a renewal of a license under this section. An advanced practice registered nurse shall also submit such evidence to the board upon request of the board.
SB70,,79037903(6) Rules. (a) The board shall promulgate rules necessary to administer this section, including rules for all of the following:
SB70,,790479041. Further defining the scope of practice of an advanced practice registered nurse, practice of a certified nurse-midwife, practice of a certified registered nurse anesthetist, practice of a nurse practitioner, and practice of a clinical nurse specialist and defining the scope of practice within which an advanced practice registered nurse may issue prescription orders under sub. (2).
SB70,,790579052. Determining acceptable national certification for purposes of sub. (1) (a) 2. a.
SB70,,790679063. Establishing the appropriate education, training, or experience requirements that a registered nurse must satisfy in order to be an advanced practice registered nurse and to obtain each specialty designation corresponding to the recognized roles.
SB70,,790779074. Specifying the classes of drugs, individual drugs, or devices that may not be prescribed by an advanced practice registered nurse under sub. (2).
SB70,,790879085. Specifying the conditions to be met for registered nurses to do the following:
SB70,,79097909a. Administer a drug prescribed by an advanced practice registered nurse.
SB70,,79107910b. Administer a drug at the direction of an advanced practice registered nurse.
SB70,,791179117. Establishing standards of professional conduct for advanced practice registered nurses generally and for practicing in each recognized role.
SB70,,79127912(am) Notwithstanding par. (a), the board may promulgate rules to implement sub. (3m) (b).
SB70,,79137913(b) The board may not promulgate rules that expand the scope of practice of an advanced practice registered nurse beyond the practices within advanced practice registered nursing.
SB70,28657914Section 2865. 441.092 of the statutes is created to read:
SB70,,79157915441.092 Expedited partner therapy. (1) In this section:
SB70,,79167916(b) “Antimicrobial drug” has the meaning given in s. 448.035 (1) (b).
SB70,,79177917(c) “Expedited partner therapy” has the meaning given in s. 448.035 (1) (c).
SB70,,79187918(2) Notwithstanding the requirements of s. 448.9785, an advanced practice registered nurse who may issue prescription orders under s. 441.09 (2) may provide expedited partner therapy if a patient is diagnosed as infected with a chlamydial infection, gonorrhea, or trichomoniasis and the patient has had sexual contact with a sexual partner during which the chlamydial infection, gonorrhea, or trichomoniasis may have been transmitted to or from the sexual partner. The advanced practice registered nurse shall attempt to obtain the name of the patient’s sexual partner. A prescription order for an antimicrobial drug prepared under this subsection shall include the name and address of the patient’s sexual partner, if known. If the advanced practice registered nurse is unable to obtain the name of the patient’s sexual partner, the prescription order shall include, in ordinary, bold-faced capital letters, the words, “expedited partner therapy” or the letters “EPT.”
SB70,,79197919(3) The advanced practice registered nurse shall provide the patient with a copy of the information sheet prepared by the department of health services under s. 46.03 (44) and shall request that the patient give the information sheet to the person with whom the patient had sexual contact.
SB70,,79207920(4) (a) Except as provided in par. (b), an advanced practice registered nurse is immune from civil liability for injury to or the death of a person who takes any antimicrobial drug if the antimicrobial drug is prescribed, dispensed, or furnished under this section and if expedited partner therapy is provided as specified under this section.
SB70,,79217921(b) The immunity under par. (a) does not extend to the donation, distribution, furnishing, or dispensing of an antimicrobial drug by an advanced practice registered nurse whose act or omission involves reckless, wanton, or intentional misconduct.
SB70,28667922Section 2866. 441.10 (6) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB70,,79237923441.10 (6) On or before the applicable renewal date specified determined by the department under s. 440.08 (2) (a), a licensed practical nurse practicing for compensation shall submit to the board, on forms furnished by the department, an application for license renewal, together with a statement giving name, residence, nature and extent of practice as a licensed practical nurse during the prior year and prior unreported years, the nursing workforce survey and fee required under s. 441.01 (7), and other facts bearing upon current competency that the board requires, accompanied by the applicable license renewal fee determined by the department under s. 440.03 (9) (a).
SB70,28677924Section 2867. 441.10 (7) of the statutes is amended to read: