soybean marketing boardSoybean Marketing Board, see Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection, Department of
speaker of the assemblySpeaker of the Assembly, see Legislature — Member
special educational needsSpecial educational needs, see Children — Special educational needs
special electionSpecial election, see Elections
special interest vehicleSpecial interest vehicle, see Motor vehicle — Taxation or registration
special observance daySpecial observance day, see Holidays and special dates
special order of businessSpecial order of business, see Legislature — Procedure
special session, 2020 _ januarySpecial session, 2020 — January
County-based agriculture positions created in UW Madison, Division of Extension to advise farmers - AB4
County-based agriculture positions created in UW Madison, Division of Extension to advise farmers - SB4
Dairy processing plant grants: DATCP to give preference to small plants and appropriation increased - SB7
Dairy processing plant grants: DATCP to give preference to small plants and appropriation increased - AB7
Education and technical assistance re producing value-added agricultural products; organic farming assistance and grazing grants created; farm to fork program created; technical assistance on resource conservation program created; DATCP duties, funding, and FTE positions provisions - AB3
Education and technical assistance re producing value-added agricultural products; organic farming assistance and grazing grants created; farm to fork program created; technical assistance on resource conservation program created; DATCP duties, funding, and FTE positions provisions - SB3
Farm succession planning, financial and business consulting services, and farmer transition planning and coaching: DATCP to provide; funding, FTE positions, and UW Extension provisions - SB1
Farm succession planning, financial and business consulting services, and farmer transition planning and coaching: DATCP to provide; funding, FTE positions, and UW Extension provisions - AB1
Farm to school program: DATCP to give preference to districts with high percentage of students eligible for free or reduced-price lunches - AB5
Farm to school program: DATCP to give preference to districts with high percentage of students eligible for free or reduced-price lunches - SB5
Farmer support for stress and mental illness: authorizing regional agent positions in DATCP to assist farmers; funding for training of mental health professionals and agribusiness professionals - SB2
Farmer support for stress and mental illness: authorizing regional agent positions in DATCP to assist farmers; funding for training of mental health professionals and agribusiness professionals - AB2
Small farm diversity grant program created in DATCP; emergency rules provision - AB8
Small farm diversity grant program created in DATCP; emergency rules provision - SB8
Wisconsin Initiative for Dairy Exports created; DATCP duties and FTE positions - SB6
Wisconsin Initiative for Dairy Exports created; DATCP duties and FTE positions - AB6
speed limitSpeed limit, see Motor vehicle — Regulation — Speed
sportsSports, see Green Bay Packers; Athletics; Milwaukee Brewers; University of Wisconsin — Athletics; Amusement; School — Health program; Recreation
sports officialSports official, see Athletics
spouseSpouse, see Family; Marriage
st. croix riverSt. Croix River, see Waterways and water power