AB304,,842842125.56 (2) (a) The department division shall issue sacramental wine permits to organized religious bodies authorizing them to purchase for their own use sacramental wine from any permittee under s. 125.52 (1), 125.53 or 125.54. A permit under this subsection does not authorize the resale of sacramental wine by the permittee.
AB304,251843Section 251. 125.56 (2) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB304,,844844125.56 (2) (c) Shipments of sacramental wine shall be conspicuously labeled “for sacramental purposes” and shall meet any other requirements the department division prescribes by rule.
AB304,252845Section 252. 125.56 (2) (d) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB304,,846846125.56 (2) (d) A sacramental wine permit shall be issued free of charge by the department division and is not subject to s. 125.04 (11) (a).
AB304,253847Section 253. 125.58 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB304,,848848125.58 (1) The department division shall issue out-of-state shippers’ permits which authorize persons located outside this state to sell or ship intoxicating liquor into this state. Except as provided under sub. subs. (4) and (5), intoxicating liquor may be shipped into this state only to a person holding a wholesaler’s permit under s. 125.54 or, if shipped from a manufacturer or rectifier in another state holding a permit under this section, to a person holding a manufacturer’s or rectifier’s permit under s. 125.52 or a winery permit under s. 125.53. Except as provided under sub. subs. (4) and (5), a separate out-of-state shipper’s permit is required for each location from which any intoxicating liquor is sold or shipped into this state, including the location from which the invoices are issued for the sales or shipments. Any person holding an out-of-state shipper’s permit issued under this section may solicit orders for sales or shipments by the permittee without obtaining the sales solicitation permit required by s. 125.65, but every agent, salesperson or other representative who solicits orders for sales or shipments by an out-of-state shipper shall first obtain a permit for soliciting orders under s. 125.65. No holder of an out-of-state shipper’s permit issued under this section may sell intoxicating liquor in this state or ship intoxicating liquor into this state unless the out-of-state shipper is the primary source of supply for that intoxicating liquor.
AB304,254849Section 254. 125.58 (2) of the statutes is renumbered 125.58 (2) (a).
AB304,255850Section 255. 125.58 (2) (b) and (c) of the statutes are created to read:
AB304,,851851125.58 (2) (b) 1. Unless the permittee or agent of the permittee appointed under s. 125.04 (6) is a resident of this state, or unless the permittee maintains a registered agent in this state under s. 180.0501, 180.1507, 183.0105, or 183.1007, a permittee under this section shall appoint and continually engage the services of an agent in this state to act as agent for the service of process on whom all processes, and any action or proceeding against the permittee concerning or arising out of the enforcement of any provision of this chapter or ch. 139, may be served in any manner authorized by law. That service shall constitute legal and valid service of process on the permittee. The permittee shall provide to the division, in the form and manner prescribed by the division, the name, address, phone number, and proof of the appointment and availability of the agent.
AB304,,8528522. The permittee shall provide notice to the division 30 calendar days before termination of the authority of an agent under subd. 1. and shall provide proof to the satisfaction of the division of the appointment of a new agent no less than 5 calendar days before the termination of an existing agent appointment. In the event an agent terminates an agency appointment, the permittee shall notify the division of that termination within 5 calendar days and shall include proof to the satisfaction of the division of the appointment of a new agent.
AB304,,8538533. If a permittee fails to maintain an agent in this state after a permit is issued under this section, the permittee is considered to have appointed the department of financial institutions as the permittee’s agent, and the permittee may be proceeded against in courts of this state by service of process upon the department of financial institutions.
AB304,,854854(c) The application for a permit under this section shall include a provision that the permittee agrees to do all of the following:
AB304,,8558551. File reports, provide records, and allow inspections and examinations to the extent provided in s. 125.025 and ch. 139.
AB304,,8568562. Pay the expenses reasonably attributable to inspections and examinations made by the division at the premises of the permittee located outside this state.
AB304,,8578573. Accept service of process and consent to jurisdiction in any proceeding in this state to enforce the provisions of this chapter or ch. 139.
AB304,256858Section 256. 125.58 (5) of the statutes is created to read:
AB304,,859859125.58 (5) A fulfillment house located outside this state that holds a permit under s. 125.23 may ship wine into this state as provided in s. 125.23 and is not required to hold an out-of-state shipper’s permit under this section.
AB304,257860Section 257. 125.60 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB304,,861861125.60 (1) The department division may issue a wholesale alcohol permit which authorizes the permittee to sell ethyl alcohol of 190 proof or more to persons holding permits or licenses issued under s. 125.61 or 125.62. Nothing in this section requires manufacturers, rectifiers and wholesalers holding permits issued under s. 125.52 (1) or 125.54 to obtain a wholesale alcohol permit.
AB304,258862Section 258. 125.61 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB304,,863863125.61 (1) The department division may issue a medicinal alcohol permit which authorizes the permittee to purchase and use alcohol for medicinal purposes only. The permit may be issued only to persons who prove to the department division that they use alcohol for medicinal purposes.
AB304,259864Section 259. 125.61 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB304,,865865125.61 (3) Shipments of medicinal alcohol shall be conspicuously labeled “for medicinal purposes” and shall meet other requirements which the department division prescribes by rule.
AB304,260866Section 260. 125.61 (4) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB304,,867867125.61 (4) A medicinal permit shall be issued free of charge by the department division and is not subject to s. 125.04 (11) (a).
AB304,261868Section 261. 125.62 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB304,,869869125.62 (1) The department division may issue an industrial alcohol permit which authorizes the permittee to purchase and use alcohol for industrial purposes only. Such permits may be issued only to persons who prove to the department division that they use alcohol for industrial purposes.
AB304,262870Section 262. 125.62 (3) of the statutes is amended to read: