SB45,1395,321. A specific and detailed explanation of the reason for the denial that cites 3the exact medical or policy basis for the denial. SB45,1395,642. A copy of or a publicly accessible link to any policy, coverage rules, clinical 5guidelines, or medical evidence relied upon in making the denial decision, with 6specific citation to the provision justifying the denial. SB45,1395,973. Additional documentation, medical rationale, or criteria that must be met 8or provided for approval of the claim, including alternative options available under 9the policy. SB45,1395,1210(d) If an insurer uses artificial intelligence or algorithmic decision-making in 11processing a claim for a disability insurance policy, the insurer must notify the 12insured in writing of that fact. The notice shall include all of the following: SB45,1395,15131. A disclosure that artificial intelligence or algorithmic decision-making was 14used at any stage in reviewing the claim, even if a human later reviewed the 15outcome. SB45,1395,18162. A detailed explanation of how the artificial intelligence or algorithmic 17decision-making reached its decision, including any factors the artificial 18intelligence or algorithmic decision-making weighed. SB45,1395,20193. A contact point for requesting a human review of the claim if the claim was 20denied. SB45,1395,2321(3) Independent review of denials. In addition to an insured’s right to an 22independent review under s. 632.835, as applicable, insureds have the right to 23request a review by the office of the public intervenor of any claim denial. SB45,1396,2
1(4) Prohibited practices. An insurer may not do any of the following with 2respect to a disability insurance policy: SB45,1396,33(a) Use vague or misleading policy terms to justify a claim denial. SB45,1396,44(b) Fail to provide a specific and comprehensible reason for a claim denial. SB45,1396,65(c) Cancel coverage under the policy after a claim is submitted due to alleged 6misstatements on the policy application. SB45,1396,87(d) Deny a claim based on hidden or ambiguous exclusions in a disability 8insurance policy. SB45,1396,99(e) Stall review of a claim to avoid timely payment. SB45,1396,1110(f) Reject a claim without reviewing all relevant medical records or consulting 11qualified experts. SB45,1396,1312(g) Fail to properly review or respond to an insured’s appeal in a timely 13manner. SB45,1396,1514(h) Allow non-physician personnel to determine whether care is medically 15necessary. SB45,1396,1716(i) Apply different medical necessity criteria based on financial interests 17rather than patient needs. SB45,1396,1918(j) Disregard a treating health care provider’s medical assessment without a 19valid clinical reason. SB45,1396,2120(k) Mandate prior approval for routine or urgent procedures in a manner that 21causes harmful delays. SB45,1396,2422(L) For a disability insurance policy that provides coverage of emergency 23medical services, refuse to cover emergency medical services provided by out-of-24network providers. SB45,1397,2
1(m) List a health care provider as in-network on a provider directory and then 2deny a claim by stating the health care provider is out-of-network. SB45,1397,43(n) Deny coverage based on age, gender, disability, or a chronic condition 4rather than medical necessity. SB45,1397,65(o) Apply stricter standards in reviewing claims related to mental health 6conditions than claims related to physical health conditions. SB45,1397,87(p) Perform a blanket denial of claims for high-cost conditions without an 8individualized review of each claim. SB45,1397,99(r) Reclassify a claim to a lower-cost treatment to reduce insurer payout. SB45,1397,1110(s) Require an insured to fail a cheaper treatment before approving coverage 11for necessary care. SB45,1397,1212(t) Manipulate cost-sharing rules to shift higher costs to insureds. SB45,1397,1713(5) Transparency and reporting. (a) Beginning on January 1, 2027, an 14insurer shall annually publish a report detailing the insurer’s claim denial rates, 15reasons for claim denials, and the outcome of any appeal of a claim denial for the 16previous year for all disability insurance policies under which the insurer provides 17coverage.