3448. 973.015 (1m) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
(1m) (b)
A For purposes of par. (a), a person has successfully
6completed the sentence if the person
has completed all periods of incarceration,
7parole, or extended supervision to which he or she was sentenced; the person has paid
8all fines, costs, fees, surcharges, and restitution assessed and has completed any
9court-ordered community service; the person has not been convicted of a subsequent
10offense crime; and, if
on probation
was imposed, the probation has not been revoked
11and the probationer has satisfied the conditions of probation. Upon
successful 12completion of
the a sentence
involving incarceration or probation, the detaining or
13probationary authority shall issue
and forward to the court of record a certificate of
which shall be forwarded to the court of record and which shall have the
15effect of expunging the record that indicates whether the person successfully
16completed his or her sentence. If the court has ordered the record expunged under
17par. (a) 1. a. or 2. and the person has successfully completed the sentence, the person's
18record shall be expunged as ordered. If the person has been
imprisoned incarcerated,
19the detaining authority shall also forward a copy of the certificate of discharge to the
3449. 973.015 (1m) (c) of the statutes is created to read:
(1m) (c) Upon receipt of a petition under par. (a) 1. b., the district
23attorney shall make a reasonable attempt to notify the victim, as defined under s.
24950.02 (4), of the petition. In the notice, the district attorney shall inform the victim
25that he or she may waive the hearing requirement and that, if waived, the court may
1review the petition without a hearing. The district attorney shall inform the victim
2of the manner in which he or she may provide written statements concerning the
3petition and, if the victim does not waive the hearing requirement, that he or she may
4appear at the hearing. If the victim waives the hearing requirement, the district
5attorney may inform the court that there is no objection to waiving the hearing
6requirement. Notwithstanding the confidentiality of victim address information
7obtained under s. 302.113 (9g) (g) 3., a district attorney who is required to make a
8reasonable attempt to notify a victim under this paragraph may obtain from the clerk
9of the circuit court the victim address information that the victim provided to the
10clerk under s. 302.113 (9g) (g) 3.
3450. 973.015 (4) of the statutes is created to read:
(4) A record of a crime expunged under this section is not considered
13a conviction for employment purposes or for purposes of the issuance of a license, as
14defined in s. 111.32 (10), by a licensing agency, as defined in s. 111.32 (11). This
15subsection does not apply to the extent that its application conflicts with federal law.
16Section 3451
. 973.016 of the statutes is created to read:
17973.016 Special disposition for marijuana-related crimes. (1)
18Resentencing persons serving a sentence or probation. (a)
A person serving a
19sentence or on probation may request resentencing or dismissal as provided under
20par. (b) if all of the following apply:
1. The sentence or probation period was imposed for a violation of s. 961.41 (1)
22(h), 2017 stats., s. 961.41 (1m) (h), 2017 stats., or s. 961.41 (3g) (e), 2017 stats.
2. One of the following applies:
a. The person would not have been guilty of a crime had the violation occurred
25on or after the effective date of this subd. 2. a. .... [LRB inserts date].
1b. The person would have been guilty of a lesser crime had the violation
2occurred on or after the effective date of this subd. 2. b. .... [LRB inserts date].
(b) 1. A person to whom par. (a) applies shall file a petition with the sentencing
4court to request resentencing, adjustment of probation, or dismissal.
2. If the court receiving a petition under subd. 1. determines that par. (a)
6applies, the court shall schedule a hearing to consider the petition. At the hearing,
7if the court determines that par. (a) 2. b. applies, the court shall resentence the person
8or adjust the probation and change the record to reflect the lesser crime, and, if the
9court determines that par. (a) 2. a. applies, the court shall dismiss the conviction and
10expunge the record. Before resentencing, adjusting probation, or dismissing a
11conviction under this subdivision, the court shall determine that the action does not
12present an unreasonable risk of danger to public safety.
3. If the court resentences the person or adjusts probation, the person shall
14receive credit for time or probation served for the relevant offense.
15(2) Redesignating offense for persons who completed a sentence or
16probation. (a) A person who has completed his or her sentence or period of probation
17may request under par. (b) expungement of the conviction because the conviction is
18legally invalid or redesignation to a lesser crime if all of the following apply:
1. The sentence or probation period was imposed for a violation of s. 961.41 (1)
20(h), 2017 stats., s. 961.41 (1m) (h), 2017 stats., or s. 961.41 (3g) (e), 2017 stats.
2. One of the following applies:
a. The person would not have been guilty of a crime had the violation occurred
23on or after the effective date of this subd. 2. a. .... [LRB inserts date].
b. The person would have been guilty of a lesser crime had the violation
25occurred on or after the effective date of this subd. 2. b. .... [LRB inserts date].
1(b) 1. A person to whom par. (a) applies shall file a petition with the sentencing
2court to request expungement or redesignation.
2. If the court receiving a petition under subd. 1. determines that par. (a)
4applies, the court shall schedule a hearing to consider the petition. At the hearing,
5if the court determines that par. (a) 2. b. applies, the court shall redesignate the crime
6to a lesser crime and change the record to reflect the lesser crime, and if the court
7determines that par. (a) 2. a. applies, the court shall expunge the conviction. Before
8redesignating or expunging under this subdivision, the court shall determine that
9the action does not present an unreasonable risk of danger to public safety.
10(3) Effect of resentencing, dismissal, redesignation, or expungement. If the
11court changes or expunges a record under this section, a conviction that was changed
12or expunged is not considered a conviction for any purpose under state or federal law,
13including for purposes of s. 941.29 or
18 USC 921.
3452. 973.017 (2c) of the statutes is created to read:
(2c) Mitigation for youth. When making a sentencing decision for a
16person who had not attained the age of 18 years at the time the crime was committed,
17the court shall consider all of the following mitigating factors:
(a) That, because children are less criminally culpable and more amenable to
19reform, youthful offenders are constitutionally different from adults for the purposes
20of sentencing.
(b) That the sentencing goals of deterrence, retribution, and incapacitation are
22secondary to the goal of rehabilitation when sentencing youthful offenders.
(c) That unless the state proves beyond a reasonable doubt that the youthful
24offender is permanently incorrigible and is therefore unable to be rehabilitated,
1youthful offenders must have a meaningful opportunity to obtain release from prison
2based on maturity and rehabilitation.
3453. 973.018 of the statutes is created to read: