C is the concentration of PM or HCl, g/dscm (gr/dscf)
Q is the volumetric flow rate of exhaust gases, dscm/hr (dscf/hr)
K1 is the conversion factor, 1 kg/1,000 g (1 lb/7,000 gr)
P is the production rate, Mg/hr (ton/hr)
NR 463.166(2)(b)(b) The owner or operator of an emission unit subject to a D&F emission limit shall use Equation 7A to determine compliance with the emission limit in s. NR 463.13:
(Equation 7A)
E is the emission rate of D&F, mg/Mg (gr/ton) of feed;
C is the concentration of D&F, mg/dscm (gr/dscf);
Q is the volumetric flow rate of exhaust gases, dscm/hr (dscf/hr); and
P is the production rate, Mg/hr (ton/hr).
NR 463.166(3)(3)HCL percent reduction standard. The owner or operator of an emission unit subject to the HCl percent reduction standard shall use Equation 8 to determine compliance with the HCl percent reduction standard in s. NR 463.13:
(Equation 8)
%R is the percent reduction of the control device
Li is the inlet loading of pollutant, kg/Mg (lb/ton)
Lo is the outlet loading of pollutant, kg/Mg (lb/ton)
NR 463.166(4)(4)Conversion of D&F measurements to TEQ units. To convert D&F measurements to TEQ units, the owner or operator shall use the procedures and equations in Interim Procedures for Estimating Risks Associated with Exposures to Mixtures of Chlorinated Dibenzo-p-Dioxins and -Dibenzofurans (CDDs and CDFs) and 1989 Update (EPA-625/3-89-016), incorporated by reference in s. NR 484.05 (12).
NR 463.166(5)(5)Secondary aluminum processing unit. The owner or operator of a secondary aluminum processing unit shall use the procedures in pars. (a) to (c) or the procedure in par. (d) to determine compliance with emission limits in s. NR 463.13 for a secondary aluminum processing unit.
NR 463.166(5)(a)(a) Use Equation 9 to compute the mass-weighted PM emissions for a secondary aluminum processing unit. Compliance is achieved if the mass-weighted emissions for the secondary aluminum processing unit (EcPM) is less than or equal to the emission limit for the secondary aluminum processing unit (LcPM calculated using Equation 1 in s. NR 463.13 (11)).
(Equation 9)
is the mass-weighted PM emissions for the secondary aluminum processing unit
is the measured PM emissions for individual emission unit i
is the average feed rate for individual emission unit i during the operating cycle or performance test period
n is the number of emission units in the secondary aluminum processing unit
NR 463.166(5)(b)(b) Use Equation 10 to compute the aluminum mass-weighted HCl emissions for the secondary aluminum processing unit. Compliance is achieved if the mass-weighted emissions for the secondary aluminum processing unit (EcHCl) is less than or equal to the emission limit for the secondary aluminum processing unit (LcHCl) calculated using Equation 2 in s. NR 463.13 (11).
(Equation 10)