2804. 343.50 (1) (c) 1. of the statutes is amended to read:
(1) (c) 1. The department may issue a receipt to any applicant for an
6identification card, and shall issue a receipt to an applicant requesting an
7identification card under sub. (5) (a) 3., which receipt shall constitute a temporary
8identification card while the application is being processed and shall be valid for a
9period not to exceed
60 180 days. If the application for an identification card is
10processed under the exception specified in s. 343.165 (7) or (8), the receipt shall
11include the marking specified in sub. (3) (b).
12Section 2805
. 343.50 (3) (a) and (b) of the statutes are amended to read:
(3) (a) The card shall be the same size as an operator's license but shall
14be of a design which is readily distinguishable from the design of an operator's license
15and bear upon it the words “IDENTIFICATION CARD ONLY." The information on
16the card shall be the same as specified under s. 343.17 (3). If the issuance of the card
17requires the applicant to present any documentary proof specified in s. 343.14 (2) (es)
18 4. to 7. 1m. d. to g., the card shall display, on the front side of the card, a legend
19identifying the card as temporary. The card shall contain physical security features
20consistent with any requirement under federal law. The card may serve as a record
21of gift under s. 157.06 (2) (t) and the holder may affix a sticker thereto as provided
22in s. 343.175 (3). The card may also serve as a record of refusal under s. 157.06 (2)
23(u). Except as provided in sub. (4g), the card shall contain the holder's photograph
24and, if applicable, shall be of the design specified under s. 343.17 (3) (a) 12.
1(b) If an identification card is issued based upon the exception specified in s.
2343.165 (7) or (8), the card shall, in addition to any other required legend or design,
3be of the design specified under s. 343.17 (3) (a) 14. and include a marking similar
4or identical to the marking described in s. 343.03 (3r)
and, if applicable, the words
5specified in s. 343.17 (3) (a) 16.
6Section 2806
. 343.50 (5) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
(5) (b) Except as provided in pars.
(bm), (c)
, and (d) and s. 343.165 (4)
8(c), an original or reinstated card shall be valid for the succeeding period of 8 years
9from the applicant's next birthday after the date of issuance, and a renewed card
10shall be valid for the succeeding period of 8 years from the card's last expiration date.
11Section 2807
. 343.50 (5) (bm) of the statutes is created to read:
(5) (bm) Notwithstanding par. (d), if the identification card application
13was processed under s. 343.165 (7) (c) and the applicant did not provide a verified
14social security number, an original or reinstated card shall be valid for the succeeding
15period of 2 years from the applicant's next birthday after the date of issuance, and
16a renewed card shall be valid for the succeeding period of 2 years from the card's last
17expiration date.
18Section 2808
. 343.50 (5) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
(5) (c) Except as provided in s. 343.165 (4) (c) and as otherwise provided
20in this paragraph, an identification card that is issued to a person who is not a United
21States citizen and who provides documentary proof of legal status as provided under
22s. 343.14 (2) (es)
1m. shall expire on the date that the person's legal presence in the
23United States is no longer authorized or on the expiration date determined under
24par. (b), whichever date is earlier. If the documentary proof as provided under s.
25343.14 (2) (es)
1m. does not state the date that the person's legal presence in the
1United States is no longer authorized, then the card shall be valid for the period
2specified in par. (b) except that, if the card was issued or renewed based upon the
3person's presenting of any documentary proof specified in s. 343.14 (2) (es)
4. to 7. 41m. d. to g., the card shall, subject to s. 343.165 (4) (c), expire one year after the date
5of issuance or renewal.
This paragraph does not apply to an identification card that
6contains the marking specified in sub. (3) (b).
7Section 2809
. 343.50 (6) of the statutes is amended to read:
(6) Renewal notice. At least 30 days prior to the expiration of an
9identification card, the department shall provide to the card holder notice of renewal
10of the card either by mail at the card holder's last-known address or, if desired by
11the card holder, by any electronic means offered by the department. If the card was
12issued or last renewed based upon the person's presenting of any documentary proof
13specified in s. 343.14 (2) (es)
4. to 7. 1m. d. to g., the notice shall inform the card holder
14of the requirement under s. 343.165 (4) (c). The department shall include with the
15notice information, as developed by all organ procurement organizations in
16cooperation with the department, that promotes anatomical donations and which
17relates to the anatomical donation opportunity available under s. 343.175. The
18department may renew an identification card by mail or by any electronic means
19available to the department, but the department may not make consecutive renewals
20by mail or electronic means.
2810. 343.50 (8) (b) of the statutes is repealed.
2811. 343.50 (8) (c) 1. of the statutes is amended to read:
(8) (c) 1. Notwithstanding
par. (b) and ss. 343.027, 343.14 (2j), and
24343.237 (2), the department shall, upon request, provide to the driver licensing
25agencies of other jurisdictions any record maintained by the department of
1transportation under this subsection, including providing electronic access to any
2such record.
2812. 343.50 (8) (c) 2. of the statutes is amended to read:
(8) (c) 2. Notwithstanding
par. (b) and s. 343.14 (2j), the department
5may, upon request, provide to the department of health services any applicant
6information maintained by the department of transportation and identified in s.
7343.14 (2), including providing electronic access to the information, for the sole
8purpose of verification by the department of health services of birth record
2813. 343.50 (8) (c) 3. of the statutes is amended to read:
(8) (c) 3. Notwithstanding
par. (b) and s. 343.14 (2j), the department
12may, upon request, provide to the elections commission for the sole purpose of
13allowing the chief election officer to comply with the terms of the agreement under
14s. 6.36 (1) (ae) any applicant information or identification card holder information
15maintained by the department of transportation and identified in s. 343.14 (2).
2814. 343.50 (8) (c) 4. of the statutes is amended to read:
(8) (c) 4. Notwithstanding
par. (b) and s. 343.14 (2j), the department
18may, upon request, provide to the department of revenue any applicant information,
19including social security numbers, maintained by the department of transportation
20and identified in s. 343.14 (2), including providing electronic access to the
21information. Any information obtained by the department of revenue under this
22subdivision is subject to the confidentiality provisions of s. 71.78.
2815. 343.50 (8) (c) 5. of the statutes is repealed.
24Section 2816
. 343.50 (8) (c) 6. of the statutes is created to read:
(8) (c) 6. Notwithstanding any other provision of this paragraph, the
2department may not disclose to any person the fact that an applicant has provided
3verification under s. 343.165 (7) (c) 2. that the applicant does not have a social
4security number, except to the elections commission for purposes of administering
5the agreement described in s. 5.056.
6Section 2817
. 343.50 (10) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
(10) (c) Whenever the department receives information from a local,
8state, or federal government agency that the card holder no longer satisfies the
9requirements for issuance of a card under ss. 343.14 (2) (es) and 343.165 (1) (e). A
10card cancelled under this paragraph may not be reinstated under sub. (5) until these
11requirements are again satisfied.
This paragraph does not apply to a card if the card
12application was processed under s. 343.165 (7) (c).
2818. 345.26 (1) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
(1) (a) A person arrested under s. 345.22
or 345.28 (5) for the violation
15of a traffic regulation who is allowed to make a deposit under s. 345.23 (2) (a)
16345.28 (5) shall deposit the money as the arresting officer directs by either mailing
17the deposit at a nearby mailbox to the office of the sheriff, headquarters of the county
18traffic patrol, district headquarters or station of the state traffic patrol, city, village
19or town police headquarters or a precinct station, the office of the municipal judge,
20the office of the clerk of court, or by going, in the custody of the arresting officer, to
21any of those places to make the deposit.