(2) (f) Sections 23.50 to 23.85 apply to actions in circuit court to recover
6forfeitures and weapons surcharges imposed under ch. 814 for violations of s. 167.31
(b), (c)
, or (d). No points may be assessed against the driving record of a person
8convicted of a violation of s. 167.31 (2)
(b), (c)
, or (d). The report of conviction shall
9be forwarded to the department.
(14q) Certain bomb scares and firearm violations. In addition to any
13other disposition imposed under this section, if the juvenile is found to have violated
14s. 947.015 and the property involved is owned or leased by the state or any political
15subdivision of the state, or if the property involved is a school premises, as defined
16in s. 948.61 (1) (c), or if the juvenile is found to have violated s.
941.235 or 948.605,
17immediately suspend the juvenile's operating privilege, as defined in s. 340.01 (40),
18for 2 years. The court shall immediately forward to the department of transportation
19the notice of suspension, stating that the suspension is for a violation of s. 947.015
20involving school premises, or for a violation of s.
941.235 or 948.605. If otherwise
21eligible, the juvenile is eligible for an occupational license under s. 343.10.
(3) Release of information when escape or absence; rules. If a juvenile
24adjudged delinquent under s. 48.12, 1993 stats., or s. 938.12 or found to be in need
25of protection or services under s. 48.13 (12) or (14), 1993 stats., or s. 938.13 (12) or
1(14) on the basis of a violation of s. 943.23 (1m) or (1r), 1999 stats., or s. 941.10, 941.11,
2941.20, 941.21,
941.23, 941.231,
941.235, 941.237, 941.26, 941.28, 941.295, 941.298,
3941.30, 941.31, 941.32, 941.325, 943.02, 943.03, 943.04, 943.10 (2) (a), 943.23 (1g),
4943.32 (2), 948.02, 948.025, 948.03, 948.05, 948.055, 948.085 (2), 948.60, 948.605, or
5948.61 or any crime specified in ch. 940 has escaped from a juvenile correctional
6facility, residential care center for children and youth, secured residential care center
7for children and youth, inpatient facility, as defined in s. 51.01 (10), juvenile
8detention facility, or juvenile portion of a county jail, or from the custody of a peace
9officer or a guard of such a facility, center, or jail, or has been allowed to leave a
10juvenile correctional facility, residential care center for children and youth, secured
11residential care center for children and youth, inpatient facility, juvenile detention
12facility, or juvenile portion of a county jail for a specified time period and is absent
13from the facility, center, home, or jail for more than 12 hours after the expiration of
14the specified period, the department of corrections or county department, whichever
15has supervision over the juvenile, may release the juvenile's name and any
16information about the juvenile that is necessary for the protection of the public or to
17secure the juvenile's return to the facility, center, home, or jail. The department of
18corrections shall promulgate rules establishing guidelines for the release of the
19juvenile's name or information about the juvenile to the public.
(1) (e) 3. Any misdemeanor under s. 940.19 (1), 940.225 (3m), 940.32
22(2), 940.42, 940.44, 941.20 (1),
941.23, 941.231,
941.235, or 941.38 (3).
(1) In this section
: (e) “Premises", “premises” has the meaning given
4in s. 125.02 (14m), but excludes any area primarily used as a residence.
(2) Whoever intentionally goes armed with a handgun on any premises
10for which a Class “B" or “Class B" license or permit has been issued under ch. 125
11while consuming alcohol on the premises, is guilty of a Class A misdemeanor.
(2g) (c) An individual who has a license or permit issued under s.
, and who is on official duty
, and who may carry a firearm under rules
16promulgated under s. 440.26 (3m).
(1) (a) “Correctional officer"
has the meaning given in s. 941.237 (1)
19(b) means any person employed by the state or any political subdivision as a guard
20or officer whose principal duties are the supervision and discipline of inmates.
(1m) (c) 4. While carrying a firearm, enters or remains in any part of
23a building that is owned, occupied, or controlled by the state or any local
24governmental unit,
excluding any building or portion of a building under s. 175.60
25(16) (a), if the state or local governmental unit has notified the actor not to enter or
1remain in the building while carrying a firearm or with that type of firearm. This
2subdivision does not apply to a person who leases residential or business premises
3in the building or, if the firearm is in a vehicle driven or parked in the parking facility,
4to any part of the building used as a parking facility.
(1p) Unless sub. (1m) (c) specifically allows a person to prohibit entering
7or remaining in or at the location while carrying a firearm, an individual does not
8violate this section only because he or she is carrying a firearm while entering or
9remaining in or at a location.
(4m) (bm) Subsection (1m) (c) 2. and 4. does not apply to a law
12enforcement officer employed in this state by a public agency
to whom s. 941.23 (1)
13(g) 2. to 5. and (2) (b) 1. to 3. applies who is in compliance with 18 USC 926B, to a
14qualified out-of-state law enforcement officer
, as defined in s. 941.23 (1) (g), to whom
15s. 941.23 (2) (b) 1. to 3. applies who is in compliance with 18 USC 926B, or to a former
16law enforcement officer
, as defined in s. 941.23 (1) (c), to whom s. 941.23 (2) (c) 1. to
177. applies who is in compliance with 18 USC 926C if the law enforcement officer, the
18qualified out-of-state law enforcement officer, or the former
law enforcement officer
19is in or on the grounds of a school, as defined in s. 948.61 (1) (b).