510 - Natural Resources Science Bureau
511 - Transfers Between Appropriations
515 - Stewardship Extension
516 - Parks Staffing and Operations
517 - Law Enforcement Radios
518 - Forestry Account Condition
519 - Forest Fire Protection Grants
520 - Wisconsin Forest Practices Study
521 - Recreation Vehicle Fuel Tax Transfer
522 - Off-Highway Motorcycles
523 - County Forest Grants
525 - Environmental Fund Overview
526 - Contaminated Sediment Bonding
527 - Lake and River Protection Grants
528 - Multi-Discharger Variance Implementation
529 - Concentrated Animal Feeding Operation Fees and Regulatory Positions
530 - Nonpoint Source Water Pollution Funding
531 - Nonpoint Source Contracts
532 - Well Compensation Grant Program
533 - PFAS Model and Study
534 - Transfer Abandoned Tank Removal Program from DNR to DATCP
535 - PECFA Program Sunset
536 - Soil and Water Resource Management Funding
537 - County Conservation Staffing