445 - Standard Budget Adjustments
446 - Equipment Pool Appropriation Changes
447 - Lands Master Planning
448 - Aids in Lieu of Taxes Reestimate
449 - Aids in Lieu of Property Taxes Formula
450 - Stewardship Debt Service
451 - Stewardship Bonding Allocations
455 - Fish and Wildlife Account Major Expenditure Items
456 - Great Lakes Vessel Rental Appropriation
457 - Crex Meadows Wildlife Educator
458 - Deer Management Initiatives and DMAP
459 - Emergency Rules -- Deer Management
460 - Bonus Deer Hunting Permits and CWD Management
461 - Elk Reintroduction from Outside Wisconsin
462 - Wolf Hunting License Fee
463 - Recreational Vehicle Reestimates
464 - Endangered Resources Reestimate
465 - Natural Resources Magazine Reestimate
470 - Armed Forces State Park and Trail Admissions
475 - Air Permit Fees – Federally-Regulated Sources
476 - Air Permit Fees -- State-Regulated Sources
477 - Environmental Fund Overview
478 - Sand Mine Monitoring
479 - Small Business Environmental Assistance Program
480 - Transfer Petroleum Inspection Fund Supplements From DNR to Miscellaneous Appropriations
481 - Ballast Water Fees
482 - Dry Cleaner Environmental Response Program
483 - Groundwater Quantity Funding Reestimate
484 - Tipping Fee Revenue Transfer
485 - Soil and Water Resource Management Aids
486 - Remote Water Quality Sensing