525 - Standard Budget Adjustments
526 - Segregated Revenue Reestimates
527 - Aids in Lieu of Property Taxes
528 - Conservation Fund Account Administrative Funding
529 - Warren Knowles-Gaylord Nelson Stewardship 2000 Program
530 - Hunting and Fishing License Fees
531 - Chronic Wasting Disease
532 - Limited-Term Employment Special Wardens
533 - Conservation Warden Funding
534 - Fish and Wildlife Dedicated Account Revenues
535 - Non-resident Snowmobile Trail Pass Reestimate
536 - Fuel Tax Transfer Reestimates
537 - ATV Safety Enhancement Grant Program
545 - Managed Forest Law
546 - Shift Stewardship Debt Service to Forestry Account
547 - Karner Blue Butterfly Habitat Conservation
548 - Point Beach State Forest Operations
549 - Urban Forestry Grant Program
560 - Waterway and Wetland Permitting
561 - Exotic Species Management
562 - GPR-Supported Conservation Wardens
563 - Nonpoint Source Water Pollution Related Bonding
564 - Nonpoint -- Principal Repayment and Interest
565 - Supplemental Title Fee Matching Appropriation
570 - Clean Sweep Grant Programs
571 - Agrichemical Management Fund
572 - Vehicle Environmental Impact Fee and Environmental Management Account
573 - Consolidated Brownfields Grant Program
574 - Environmental Repair Bonding Authority and Debt Service
575 - Recycling Fund and Grants
576 - Air Management Staff
577 - Air Management -- Asbestos Inspections