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November 27, 2023 - Introduced by Representatives Clancy, J. Anderson, Madison, Palmeri, Baldeh, Bare, Cabrera, Drake, Emerson, Shelton, Sinicki, Snodgrass, Stubbs, Hong, Conley, Joers, Jacobson and Moore Omokunde, cosponsored by Senators Larson, L. Johnson and Hesselbein. Referred to Committee on Housing and Real Estate.
2An Act to renumber and amend 799.20 (4); to amend 704.17 (4), 799.09, 799.12 (6) (c) (intro.), 799.14 (2), 799.16 (3) (b), 799.16 (4) (c) (title), 799.20 (title), 799.20 (1), 799.206 (3), 799.207 (1) (a), 799.207 (1) (b), 799.21 (2), 799.22 (2), 799.41 (1), 977.02 (2m), 977.05 (4) (gm), 977.08 (1) and 977.08 (2) (intro.); and to create 20.550 (1) (b), 704.145, 799.05 (8), 799.16 (4) (d), 799.20 (3), 799.20 (4) (a), 799.22 (4) (b) 4., 799.40 (4) (c), 799.425, 977.05 (4) (i) 10. and 977.08 (2) (i) of the statutes; relating to: a residential tenant’s right to counsel in an eviction action and making an appropriation.
3Analysis by the Legislative Reference Bureau
This bill generally provides that a residential tenant has the right to counsel at public expense in an eviction action.
The bill provides that, in a residential eviction action, a statutory notice must be attached to the summons informing the tenant that the tenant has the right to have counsel provided at public expense, and, if service is made by publication, the statutory notice also must by published. If a tenant contacts the clerk of court to request the appointment of counsel, files an answer without the assistance of counsel, or appears in court without counsel on the return date of the summons, the bill requires the court or circuit court commissioner to inquire of the tenant whether the tenant waives counsel, and, if the tenant does not waive counsel, the court or commissioner must appoint counsel and stay the proceedings. Under the bill, such a stay generally remains in effect until counsel is appointed for the tenant, and the tenant is entitled to continued possession or occupancy of the premises while the stay remains in effect. If a tenant is entitled to counsel under the bill, the court may appoint counsel for the tenant or refer the tenant to the State Public Defender, which must appoint counsel without a determination of indigency.
The bill also requires that residential rental agreements include a notice of the tenant’s right to counsel in eviction cases, and requires that landlords providing notice of residential tenant eviction must include in such notice information about how the tenant has the right to counsel in an eviction action. The required language of these notices is included in the bill.
For further information see the state and local fiscal estimate, which will be printed as an appendix to this bill.
4The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do enact as follows:
5Section 1. 20.550 (1) (b) of the statutes is created to read:
620.550 (1) (b) Counsel for termination of residential tenancy. A sum sufficient for the cost of providing legal services under s. 977.05 (4) (i) 10.
7Section 2. 704.145 of the statutes is created to read:
8704.145 Notices of right to counsel in eviction actions. (1) A residential rental agreement shall include the following notice in the agreement or in an addendum to the agreement:
10As provided under s. 799.425 of the Wisconsin Statutes, in an action against a tenant whose residential tenancy has been terminated for any reason, the tenant has a right to counsel at public expense and, once referred to the state public defender, the state public defender shall appoint counsel for the tenant under s. 977.08 of the Wisconsin Statutes without a determination of indigency, unless the tenant knowingly and voluntarily waives the right to counsel. A tenant who wants counsel appointed in an eviction action must appear on the date specified in the summons or request that counsel be appointed by contacting the clerk of court of the county in which the residential eviction action has been brought on or before the return date specified in the summons. A tenant is advised that this notice is only a summary of the tenant’s rights and the specific language of the statutes governs in all instances.
11(2) A landlord providing notice under ss. 704.16, 704.17, and 704.19 shall include in the notice the following information:
13As provided under s. 799.425 of the Wisconsin Statutes, in an action against a tenant whose residential tenancy has been terminated for any reason, the tenant has a right to counsel at public expense and, once referred to the state public defender, the state public defender shall appoint counsel for the tenant under s. 977.08 of the Wisconsin Statutes without a determination of indigency, unless the tenant knowingly and voluntarily waives the right to counsel. A tenant who wants counsel appointed in an eviction action must appear on the date specified in the summons or request that counsel be appointed by contacting the clerk of court of the county in which the residential eviction action has been brought on or before the return date specified in the summons. A tenant is advised that this notice is only a summary of the tenant’s rights and the specific language of the statutes governs in all instances.
14Section 3. 704.17 (4) of the statutes is amended to read:
15704.17 (4) Form of notice and manner of giving. Notice must be in writing and given as specified in s. 704.21. If so given, and unless ordered otherwise by a court in an eviction action under ch. 799, the tenant is not entitled to possession or occupancy of the premises after the date of termination specified in the notice.
16Section 4. 799.05 (8) of the statutes is created to read:
17799.05 (8) Notice of right to counsel in residential eviction actions. In a residential eviction action, a notice shall be attached to the summons informing the tenant that the tenant has the right to have counsel provided at public expense, as provided under s. 799.425. The notice shall be substantially in the following form:
19As provided under s. 799.425 of the Wisconsin Statutes, in an action against a tenant whose residential tenancy has been terminated for any reason, the tenant has a right to counsel at public expense and, once referred to the state public defender, the state public defender shall appoint counsel for the tenant under s. 977.08 of the Wisconsin Statutes without a determination of indigency, unless the tenant knowingly and voluntarily waives the right to counsel. A tenant who wants counsel appointed must appear on the return date specified in the attached summons or contact the clerk of court on or before the return date at .... (contact information) to request that counsel be appointed.
20Section 5. 799.09 of the statutes is amended to read:
21799.09 Public information. Information The clerk of court shall disseminate and publicize throughout the county information regarding the existence, location, and hours of the circuit court’s small claims system shall be disseminated and publicized throughout the county by the clerk of court. Each county shall produce and make available to all litigants in small claims actions publications explaining the procedures to be followed by litigants in small claims actions and information regarding the rights of tenants in residential eviction actions to have counsel provided at public expense, as provided under s.799.425.
22Section 6. 799.12 (6) (c) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
23799.12 (6) (c) (intro.) If the defendant’s post-office address cannot be ascertained with reasonable diligence, the mailing may be omitted and service may be made by publishing as a class 1 notice under ch. 985 a notice in substantially the following form, except as provided in s. 799.22 (4) (b) 3., along with the notice required under s. 799.05 (8), if applicable:
24Section 7. 799.14 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
25799.14 (2) Effect of actual appearance. This section shall not apply to a defendant who actually appeared and submitted to the jurisdiction of the court without filing application as provided in sub. (1), unless the defendant is a tenant in a residential eviction action who was not represented by counsel and did not waive the tenant’s right to counsel as provided under s. 799.425 (1) (b).
26Section 8. 799.16 (3) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
27799.16 (3) (b) In all other cases where in which the summons and complaint are returned with proof that the defendant cannot be served with personal or substituted service within the state under s. 799.12 (1), the court shall, on the return date, adjourn the case to a day certain not less than 7 days from the return date, and the plaintiff shall affix a notice in substantial conformity with sub. (4) (c) or (d) onto some part of the premises where it may be conveniently read. At least 5 days prior to the return date, an additional copy of said notice, together with a copy of the summons and complaint, shall be mailed to the defendant at the last-known address, even if it is the premises which are the subject of the action.
28Section 9. 799.16 (4) (c) (title) of the statutes is amended to read:
29799.16 (4) (c) (title) Notice in nonresidential eviction.
30Section 10. 799.16 (4) (d) of the statutes is created to read:
31799.16 (4) (d) Notice in residential eviction.
34.... COUNTY
36Take notice that an eviction action has been commenced against you to recover the possession of the following described premises ...., of which I, the plaintiff, am entitled to possession, but which you have unlawfully detained from me.
37Unless you appear and defend on the .... day of ...., .... (year), at .... o’clock ..M., in the circuit court of .... county, located in the courthouse in the city of ...., before the Honorable ...., a Judge of said court, or before any judge to whom the action may be assigned, judgment may be rendered against you for the restitution of said premises and for costs.
39As provided under s. 799.425 of the Wisconsin Statutes, you have a right to counsel in the eviction action at public expense and, once referred to the state public defender, the state public defender shall appoint counsel for you under s. 977.08 of the Wisconsin Statutes without a determination of indigency, unless you knowingly and voluntarily waive the right to counsel. If you want counsel appointed for you, you must appear on the date specified above or contact the clerk of court on or before that date at .... (contact information) to request that counsel be appointed.
40Dated: ...., .... (year)
41.... Plaintiff
42By .... Plaintiff’s Attorney
43Section 11. 799.20 (title) of the statutes is amended to read:
44799.20 (title) Answer; counterclaim and cross complaint; tenant request for counsel.
45Section 12. 799.20 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
46799.20 (1) Pleading on return date or adjourned date. On the return date of the summons or any adjourned date thereof, the defendant may answer, move to dismiss under s. 802.06 (2), or otherwise respond to the complaint or, if applicable, request the appointment of counsel under s. 799.425.
47Section 13. 799.20 (3) of the statutes is created to read:
48799.20 (3) Tenant request for appointment of counsel. If, on or before the return date of the summons or any adjourned date thereof, a tenant in a residential eviction action contacts the clerk of court to request the appointment of counsel, the court or circuit court commissioner shall appoint counsel for the tenant under s. 799.425 (2) or (3) and stay the proceedings under s. 799.40 (4) (c).
49Section 14. 799.20 (4) of the statutes is renumbered 799.20 (4) (intro.) and amended to read:
50799.20 (4) Inquiry of defendant who appears on return date. (intro.) If the defendant appears on the return date of the summons or any adjourned date thereof, all of the following apply: