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2021 - 2022 LEGISLATURE
February 9, 2022 - Introduced by Senators Testin, Marklein and Ballweg,
cosponsored by Representatives Kurtz, Loudenbeck, Edming, Knodl, Krug,
Novak and Spiros. Referred to Committee on Natural Resources and Energy.
1An Act to repeal 281.75 (9) (a); to renumber and amend 281.75 (9) (b); and
2to create 281.75 (2) (g) of the statutes; relating to: removing the livestock
3requirement under the well compensation grant program and requiring an
4annual report to the Joint Committee on Finance.
Analysis by the Legislative Reference Bureau
Under current law, the Department of Natural Resources administers a well
compensation grant program, under which an individual owner or renter of a
contaminated private well may apply for a grant to cover a portion of the costs to treat
the water, reconstruct the well, construct a new well, connect to a public water
supply, or fill and seal the well. A well that is contaminated only by nitrates, and not
by any other substance, is eligible for a grant only if the well is a water supply for
livestock, is used at least three months in each year, provides more than 100 gallons
of water per day for consumption by livestock, and contains nitrates in excess of 40
parts per million.
This bill removes the requirement that a water supply contaminated only by
nitrates be used for livestock and provide more than 100 gallons of water per day in
order to be eligible for a grant under the program. Under the bill, a well that is
contaminated only by nitrates is eligible for a grant if the well is used at least three
months in each year and contains nitrates in excess of 40 parts per million.
The bill also requires DNR to report to the Joint Committee on Finance after
the end of each fiscal year on the number of applicants under the well compensation
program and the number and amount of grants provided during that fiscal year.

For further information see the state fiscal estimate, which will be printed as
an appendix to this bill.
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do
enact as follows:
1Section 1. 281.75 (2) (g) of the statutes is created to read:
2 281.75 (2) (g) Submit a report to the joint committee on finance after the end
3of each fiscal year that includes the number of claims submitted and the number and
4amount of awards provided under this section during that fiscal year.
5Section 2. 281.75 (9) (a) of the statutes is repealed.
6Section 3. 281.75 (9) (b) of the statutes is renumbered 281.75 (9) and amended
7to read:
8 281.75 (9) Notwithstanding the requirement of contamination under sub. (7),
9if a private water supply meets the criteria under par. (a) and the claim is based upon
10contamination by nitrates and not by any other substance, the department may
11make an award only if the private water supply is used at least 3 months each year
produces water containing nitrates in excess of 40 parts per million expressed
13as nitrate-nitrogen.
14 (End)