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2021 - 2022 LEGISLATURE
March 24, 2021 - Introduced by Senator Jacque, cosponsored by Representatives
Mursau, Armstrong, Baldeh, Kuglitsch and Wichgers. Referred to
Committee on Judiciary and Public Safety.
1An Act to amend 968.27 (13), 968.27 (15), 968.35 (1), 968.36 (2) (a), 968.36 (2)
2(c), 968.36 (5) (b) and 968.37 (2); and to create 968.36 (6) of the statutes;
3relating to: pen registers and trap and trace devices.
Analysis by the Legislative Reference Bureau
This bill expands the definitions of “pen register” and “trap and trace device,”
which are two types of wiretapping devices. Under current law, a “pen register” is
defined as a device that records or decodes electronic or other impulses that identify
the numbers dialed or transmitted on a telephone line. A “trap and trace device” is
defined as a device that captures the incoming electronic or other impulses that
identify the originating number of an instrument or device from which a wire or
electronic communication was transmitted.
Under the bill, the definition of “pen register” includes a device or process that
records or decodes dialing, routing, addressing, or signaling information transmitted
on a telephone line or by an instrument or facility from which a wire or electronic
communication is transmitted. The definition of “trap and trace device” includes a
device or process that identifies the originating number or other dialing, routing,
addressing, and signaling information of an instrument or facility from which a wire
or electronic communication was received.
Current law provides that the attorney general or a district attorney may apply
for a court order from the circuit court for the county where the device is to be located
to install a pen register or a trap and trace device to further a criminal investigation.
This bill allows the attorney general or a district attorney to apply for the court order
for a pen register or trap and trace device from the circuit court for any county.

Under the bill, a person is considered to be doing business in this state, for the
purpose of a pen register or trap and trace device order, if the person contracts with
or engages in a terms of service agreement with any other person for the use of a line,
instrument, or facility, and any part of the performance of the contract or provision
of service takes place within this state on any occasion.
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do
enact as follows:
1Section 1. 968.27 (13) of the statutes is amended to read:
2 968.27 (13) “Pen register" means a device or process that records or decodes
3electronic or other impulses that identify the numbers dialed or otherwise dialing,
4routing, addressing, or signaling information
transmitted on the telephone line to
5which the device is attached
or by an instrument or facility from which a wire or
6electronic communication is transmitted
. “Pen register" does not include any device
7or process used by a provider or customer of a wire or electronic communication
8service for billing, or recording as an incident to billing, for communications services
9provided by the provider or any device or process used by a provider or customer of
10a wire communication service for cost accounting or other like purposes in the
11ordinary course of its business.
12Section 2. 968.27 (15) of the statutes is amended to read:
13 968.27 (15) “Trap and trace device" means a device or process that captures the
14incoming electronic or other impulses that identify the originating number or other
15dialing, routing, addressing, and signaling information
of an instrument or device
16reasonably likely to identify the source from which a wire or electronic
17communication was transmitted received.
18Section 3. 968.35 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:

1968.35 (1) The attorney general or a district attorney may make application for
2an order or an extension of an order under s. 968.36 authorizing or approving the
3installation and use of a pen register or a trap and trace device, in writing under oath
4or equivalent affirmation, to a circuit court for the any county where the device is to
5be located
6Section 4. 968.36 (2) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
7 968.36 (2) (a) Specify the identity, if known, of the person to whom is leased or
8in whose name is listed the telephone line, instrument, or facility to which the pen
9register or trap and trace device is to be attached.
10Section 5. 968.36 (2) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
11 968.36 (2) (c) Specify the number and, if known, the physical location of the
12telephone line, instrument, or facility to which the pen register or trap and trace
13device is to be attached and, in the case of a trap and trace device, the geographic
14limits of the trap and trace order.
15Section 6. 968.36 (5) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
16 968.36 (5) (b) The person owning or leasing the line, instrument, or facility to
17which the pen register or a trap and trace device is attached, or who has been ordered
18by the court to provide assistance to the applicant, not disclose the existence of the
19pen register or trap and trace device or the existence of the investigation to the listed
20subscriber, or to any other person, unless or until otherwise ordered by the court.
21Section 7. 968.36 (6) of the statutes is created to read:
22 968.36 (6) For purposes of this section, a person is considered to be doing
23business in this state, and is subject to service and execution of process from this
24state, if the person makes a contract with or engages in a terms of service agreement
25with any other person for the use of a line, instrument, or facility, whether or not the

1other person is a resident of this state, and any part of the performance of the contract
2or provision of service takes place within this state on any occasion.
3Section 8. 968.37 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
4 968.37 (2) Upon the request of the attorney general, a district attorney or an
5officer of a law enforcement agency authorized to receive the results of a trap and
6trace device under ss. 968.28 to 968.37, a provider of a wire or electronic
7communication service, landlord, custodian or other person shall install the trap and
device forthwith on the appropriate line, instrument, or facility and shall
9furnish the investigative or law enforcement officer all additional information,
10facilities and technical assistance including installation and operation of the trap
11and trace
device unobtrusively and with a minimum of interference with the services
12that the person so ordered by the court accords the party with respect to whom the
13installation and use is to take place, if the installation and assistance is directed by
14a court order under s. 968.36 (5) (b). Unless otherwise ordered by the court, the
15results of the trap and trace device shall be furnished to the officer of a law
16enforcement agency, designated by the court, at reasonable intervals during regular
17business hours for the duration of the order.
18 (End)