2019 - 2020 LEGISLATURE
February 22, 2019 - Introduced by Representatives Kulp, Kurtz, Tauchen, Novak,
Edming, Kitchens, Mursau, Tranel, VanderMeer, Vruwink, Krug,
Oldenburg, Ramthun, Rohrkaste, Skowronski, Spiros, Tusler and
Wichgers, cosponsored by Senators Testin,
Bernier, Marklein, Jacque,
Schachtner and Nass. Referred to Committee on Agriculture.
1An Act to create 20.115 (4) (fm) and 93.58 of the statutes;
relating to: grants
2for obtaining farm tractor rollover protection structures and making an
Analysis by the Legislative Reference Bureau
This bill requires the Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer
Protection to make a grant to an organization that uses the grant funds to reimburse
the costs of purchasing and installing rollover protection structures for farm
tractors. Under the bill, an organization with a purpose of addressing human health
and safety associated with rural and agricultural work, life, and environments
receives the grant and must spend at least 70 percent of the grant funds to reimburse
the costs of purchasing and installing rollover protection structures for farm
tractors. The bill provides that for each reimbursement made, the organization must
pay 70 percent of the first $1,670 in purchase and installation costs and all of the
costs in excess of $1,670. The bill also requires the organization to report annually
to DATCP on its expenditures of grant funds until all of the grant funds are
For further information see the state fiscal estimate, which will be printed as
an appendix to this bill.
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do
enact as follows:
1. 20.005 (3) (schedule) of the statutes: at the appropriate place, insert
2the following amounts for the purposes indicated:
See PDF for table 
2. 20.115 (4) (fm) of the statutes is created to read:
(4) (fm)
Farm tractor rollover protection grants. The amounts in the
5schedule for grants under s. 93.58 (2).
3. 93.58 of the statutes is created to read:
793.58 Farm tractor rollover protection grants. (1) Definitions. In this
(a) “Farm tractor” has the meaning given in s. 340.01 (16).
(b) “Rollover protection structure” means a structure installed on a farm tractor
11that protects a person operating a farm tractor from injuries caused by the
12overturning of the farm tractor and that meets the standard of specifications
13established by a national or international organization with a purpose of developing
14and publishing industrial standards.
15(2) Grant program. (a) From the appropriation under s. 20.115 (4) (fm), the
16department shall provide grants to an organization with a purpose of addressing
17human health and safety associated with rural and agricultural work, life, and
1(b) An organization receiving a grant under par. (a) shall expend not less than
270 percent of the amount of the grant to reimburse, as provided under par. (c), the
3costs of purchasing and installing rollover protection structures.
(c) For each reimbursement made with funds received under par. (a), the
5organization shall pay the following amounts:
1. Seventy percent of the first $1,670 of the cost of purchasing and installing
7a rollover protection structure.
2. One hundred percent of the cost of purchasing and installing a rollover
9protection structure in excess of $1,670.
(d) An organization receiving a grant under par. (a) shall annually submit a
11report to the department describing the expenditures of the grant funds until all of
12the grant funds are expended.
13Section 4
Effective date.
This act takes effect on the day after publication, or on the 2nd day after
15publication of the 2019 biennial budget act, whichever is later.