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Register December 2011 No. 672
Chapter A-E 7
A-E 7.01   Scope.
A-E 7.02   Definitions.
A-E 7.025   Survey report, requirements.
A-E 7.03   Boundary location.
A-E 7.04   Descriptions.
A-E 7.05   Maps.
A-E 7.06   Relative positional accuracy measurements.
A-E 7.07   Monuments.
A-E 7.08   U.S. public land survey monument record.
A-E 7.01A-E 7.01Scope.
A-E 7.01(1)(1) The minimum standards of this chapter apply to any property survey performed by professional land surveyors in this state, except where otherwise provided in this chapter.
A-E 7.01(2)(2) The minimum accuracies in s. A-E 7.06 apply to any property survey performed by professional land surveyors in this state.
A-E 7.01(3)(3) If other standards for property surveys are prescribed by statute, administrative rule, or ordinance, and the standards are more restrictive than those in this chapter, the more restrictive standards govern.
A-E 7.01(4)(4) Except with regard to a U.S. public land survey monument record or addendum and a map of work performed, the professional land surveyor and client may enter into a written agreement, signed by both parties, to exclude land surveying work from the requirements of ss. A-E 7.03 (2), 7.05 (5) and (7m), and 7.07, where all of the following are performed:
A-E 7.01(4)(a)(a) The professional land surveyor certifies on the face of the map the existence of the agreement.
A-E 7.01(4)(b)(b) The map includes a note which states that an agreement to exclude work from the requirements of this chapter has been made and a list of those exclusions.
A-E 7.01 HistoryHistory: Cr. Register, February, 1987, No. 374, eff. 3-1-87; am. (2), Register, May, 1989, No. 401, eff. 6-1-89; am. (2), cr. (2) (a) to (e), Register, December, 1993, No. 456, eff. 1-1-94; CR 15-036: am. (2) (intro.) Register January 2016 No. 721, eff. 2-1-16; CR 15-039: am. (2) (intro.), (a), (c), r. (2) (d), (e) Register May 2016 No. 725, eff. 6-1-16; CR 19-153: r. and recr. Register May 2021 No. 785, eff. 6-1-21; correction in (4) (a) made under s. 35.17, Stats., Register May 2021 No. 785.
A-E 7.02A-E 7.02Definitions. For the purposes of this chapter:
A-E 7.02(1m)(1m) “Property survey” means an activity performed in the practice of professional land surveying, as defined in s. 443.01 (6s), Stats., or the result of such activity.
A-E 7.02(3)(3)“Survey report” means a property survey that may be prepared in compliance with s. A-E 7.025 when there is an existing map recorded or filed and no new monuments are established in the survey.
A-E 7.02 HistoryHistory: Cr. Register, February, 1987, No. 374, eff. 3-1-87; CR 15-039: r. and recr. Register May 2016 No. 725, eff. 6-1-16; CR 19-153: r. (1), cr. (1m), r. (2), am. (3) Register May 2021 No. 785, eff. 6-1-21.
A-E 7.025A-E 7.025Survey report, requirements. A survey report shall include the purpose of the survey, information concerning the documents that were examined for the survey, and the measurements that were made to verify the locations of the monuments found. The survey report shall be in compliance with all sections of this chapter and shall be filed as required under s. 59.45 (1), Stats., on media accepted by the county.
A-E 7.025 HistoryHistory: CR 15-039: cr. Register May 2016 No. 725, eff. 6-1-16, correction made under s. 35.17, Stats., Register May 2016 No. 725; CR 19-153: am. Register May 2021 No. 785, eff. 6-1-21; correction made under s. 35.17, Stats., Register May 2021 No. 785.
A-E 7.03A-E 7.03Boundary location.
A-E 7.03(1)(1)Every property survey shall be made in accordance with the records of the register of deeds as nearly as practicable. The professional land surveyor shall acquire data necessary to retrace record title boundaries such as U.S. Public Land Survey Monument Records, deeds, surveys, maps, certificates of title, highway, and center line or right-of-way lines, and other boundary line locations. The professional land surveyor shall make field measurements necessary for the location of the parcel and shall analyze the data and make a careful determination of the position of the boundaries of the parcel being surveyed.
A-E 7.03(2)(2) The professional land surveyor shall set monuments marking the corners of the parcel unless monuments already exist at the corners.
A-E 7.03 HistoryHistory: Cr. Register, February, 1987, No. 374, eff. 3-1-87; CR 15-036: am. Register January 2016 No. 721, eff. 2-1-16; CR 15-039: r. and recr. Register May 2016 No. 725, eff. 6-1-16; CR 19-153: renum. A-E 7.03 to (1) and am., cr. (2) Register May 2021 No. 785, eff. 6-1-21.
A-E 7.04A-E 7.04Descriptions. Descriptions defining land boundaries created by a professional land surveyor for conveyance or to more accurately delineate land boundaries, or for other purposes shall be complete, providing unequivocal identification of lines or boundaries. The description shall contain necessary references to adjoiners together with data and dimensions sufficient to enable the description to be mapped and retraced and shall describe the land surveyed by government lot, recorded private claim, quarter-quarter section, section, township, range, and county. The forms of descriptions of property shall be one of the following:
A-E 7.04(1)(1)By metes and bounds commencing with a monument at a section corner or quarter section corner of the quarter section in which that land is located or a monument established by the U.S. Public Land Survey that it is not the center of the section, or commencing with a monument at the end of a boundary line of a recorded private claim or federal reservation in which the land is located. Descriptions shall meet the requirements in s. A-E 7.06.
A-E 7.04(2)(2)By land boundaries being surveyed as a platted lot or outlot in a recorded subdivision or recorded addition to a recorded subdivision, the lots or outlots in that plat shall be described by the name of the plat and the lot or outlot and the block in the plat for all purposes.
A-E 7.04(3)(3)By land boundaries being surveyed as an existing lot, outlot or parcel, on a recorded certified survey map, the property survey shall be described by lot, outlot or parcel number and certified map number for all purposes.
A-E 7.04(4)(4)By the parcel described as an aliquot part of a section from the U.S. Public Land Survey.
A-E 7.04 HistoryHistory: Cr. Register, February, 1987, No. 374, eff. 3-1-87; am. Register, May, 1989, No. 401, eff. 6-1-89; CR 15-039: r. and recr. Register May 2016 No. 725, eff. 6-1-16; CR 19-153: am. (1), (3), (4) Register May 2021 No. 785, eff. 6-1-21.
A-E 7.05A-E 7.05Maps. A map shall be drawn for every property survey, unless a survey report is filed as provided in s. A-E 7.025, showing information developed by the property survey. The map shall satisfy all of the following requirements:
A-E 7.05(1)(1)The map shall be drawn on media with the minimum size of 8 1/2 x 11 inches and to a commonly accepted scale which shall be clearly stated and graphically illustrated by a bar scale on each map sheet containing a graphical depiction of the property survey unless otherwise required by law.
A-E 7.05(2)(2)The map shall be referenced as provided in s. 59.73 (1), Stats., along with a north arrow and reference to a monumented line.
A-E 7.05(3)(3)The map shall show the length and bearing of the boundaries of the parcels surveyed. Bearings, angles, and distances on any property survey map shall be in accordance with s. A-E 7.06 (5). Where the boundary lines show bearings, lengths or locations which vary from those recorded in deeds, abutting plats, or other instruments, there shall be the following note placed along such line, “recorded as (show recorded bearing, length or location)”. Curve data shall be shown by at least 3 of the following: central angle, radius, long chord bearing and length, and arc length.
A-E 7.05(4)(4)The map shall describe by bearing and distance the corner monuments used in determining the location of the parcel boundary and show by bearing and distance the relationship of at least 2 government monuments, if not previously tied, and all newly established monuments, to the surveyed parcel. All the monuments shown on the map shall indicate whether such monuments were found or set, including a description of the monument with a legend or notes for all symbols and abbreviations used on the map.
A-E 7.05(5)(5)The map shall show evidence of possession or use by others in the parcel or across any perimeter line of the property if observed by the professional land surveyor while establishing corners.
A-E 7.05(6)(6)The map shall show surveyed parcel bounded by water or inaccessible areas, the part shall be enclosed by a meander line showing complete data along all lines extending beyond the enclosure. The true boundary shall be clearly indicated on the map.
A-E 7.05(7)(7)The map shall identify the professional land surveyor’s name and address, completion date of the field work, and description of the parcel as provided in s. A-E 7.04.
A-E 7.05(7m)(7m) The map shall identify the person or entity for whom the property survey was made.
A-E 7.05(8)(8)The map shall bear the stamp or seal, name and address and signature of the professional land surveyor under whose direction and control the property survey was made with a statement certifying that the property survey complies with this chapter and is correct to the best of the professional land surveyor’s knowledge and belief.
A-E 7.05(9)(9)Be filed as required by s. 59.45 (1), Stats., on media, or electronically if acceptable by the county.
A-E 7.05(10)(10)The map shall identify boundary lines on the property survey. Boundary lines shall be clearly differentiated from other lines on the map.
A-E 7.05(11)(11)When coordinate values are shown on the face of the map, the map shall comply with and be subject to the provisions of s. 236.18, Stats., and include the coordinate system, datum, and adjustment.
A-E 7.05 HistoryHistory: Cr. Register, February, 1987, No. 374, eff. 3-1-87; am. (4) and (5), cr. (7), Register, May, 1989, No. 401, eff. 6-1-89; correction in (6) made under s. 13.93 (2m) (b) 5., Stats., Register, March, 1993, No. 447; am. (1) to (5) and (7), Register, January, 1999, No. 517, eff. 2-1-99; CR 15-036: am. (6) Register January 2016 No. 721, eff. 2-1-16; CR 15-039: r. and recr. Register May 2016 No. 725, eff. 6-1-16; correction in (intro.), (9) made under s. 35.17, Stats., Register May 2016 No. 725; CR 19-153: am. (intro.), (1) to (7), cr. (7m), am. (8), (10), (11) Register May 2021 No. 785, eff. 6-1-21; correction in (intro.) made under s. 35.17, Stats., Register May 2021 No. 785.
A-E 7.06A-E 7.06Relative positional accuracy measurements.
A-E 7.06(1)(1)Measurements shall be made with instruments and methods capable of attaining the relative positional accuracy in accordance with this section.
A-E 7.06(1m)(1m) Relative positional accuracy shall be the value expressed in feet that represents the uncertainty between points of the boundary of the parcel being surveyed due to random errors in measurements at a 95 percent confidence level.
A-E 7.06(3)(3)The maximum allowable deviation in relative positional accuracy between any 2 adjacent property corners may not exceed plus or minus 0.13 foot plus 100 parts per million.
A-E 7.06(4)(4)Any closed traverse depicted on a property survey map shall have a latitude and departure closure ratio of less than 1 in 3,000.
A-E 7.06(5)(5)Bearings or angles on any property survey map shall be shown to at least the nearest 30 seconds. Distances shall be shown to the nearest 1/100th foot.
A-E 7.06 HistoryHistory: Cr. Register, February, 1987, No. 374, eff. 3-1-87; am. (5), Register, May, 1989, No. 401, eff. 6-1-89; CR 15-039: am. (1) to (3), (5) Register May 2016 No. 725, eff. 6-1-16; CR 19-153: am. (title), (1), cr. (1m), r. (2), am. (3) Register May 2021 No. 785, eff. 6-1-21; correction in (3) made under s. 35.17, Stats., Register May 2021 No. 785.
Published under s. 35.93, Stats. Updated on the first day of each month. Entire code is always current. The Register date on each page is the date the chapter was last published.