Pay progression caps for deputy and assistant DAs, and assistant SPDs [Sec. 9101 (1)] -
Act 19Private attorney rate increased for cases assigned by SPD [Sec. 471, 472] -
Act 19Representation of parents in CHIPS proceedings: SPD pilot program extended [Sec. 246-248, 9433 (1s)] -
Act 19Building trades crafts bargaining unit: 2023-2024 contract ratification between UW Board of Regents and the Wisconsin State Building Trades Negotiating Committee -
Act 93Building trades crafts bargaining unit: 2023-2024 contract ratification between UW Madison and the Wisconsin State Building Trades Negotiating Committee -
Act 92County jailers classified as protective occupation participant status for WRS purposes, MERA provision -
Act 4Length of service awards for DOC and DHS employees who are protective occupation participants [Sec. 9101 (3)] -
Act 19Office of Outdoor Recreation project positions: sunset changed [Sec. 9143 (1)] -
Act 19Position authority for the Mississippi River Parkway Commission increased by one FTE; DOT authority [Sec. 9144 (11)] [vetoed] -
Act 19School Safety, Office of: authorized positions increased; funding from concealed carry license fees -
Act 240Tax revisions re road-building equipment sales tax exemption, income tax withholding threshold for nonresidents, and qualified opportunity fund certification; lottery games and farm assets changes; income tax exemption for certain commercial loan income; cigarette, tobacco, and vapor product enforcement and shared revenue and municipality sales tax administration positions; common carrier permit for direct wine shipping and local exposition board membership provisions -
Act 146UI law changes re identity spoofing, education and information materials provided by DWD, assistance call center, and database comparisons; DOA Secretary authorized to temporarily transfer employees to DWD to assist with UI appeals; report required [vetoed] -
AB152Public safety employees may bargain with municipal employer over who is covered by a health care coverage plan -
Act 34Building trades crafts bargaining unit: 2022-2023 contract ratification between UW Board of Regents and the Wisconsin State Building Trades Negotiating Committee -
Act 24Building trades crafts bargaining unit: 2022-2023 contract ratification between UW-Madison and the Wisconsin State Building Trades Negotiating Committee -
Act 23Building trades crafts bargaining unit: 2022-2023 contract ratification -
Act 25Building trades crafts bargaining unit: 2023-2024 contract ratification -
Act 39Professional legal bargaining unit: 2022-2023 contract ratification -
Act 22Public safety collective bargaining unit: 2021-2023 contract ratification -
Act 21Public safety collective bargaining unit: 2023-2025 contract ratification -
Act 38Additional biweekly payroll appropriations include permanent UW System employees [Sec. 174-178] -
Act 19Gathering in places of worship: state and political subdivisions cannot forbid or order closures in response to a state of emergency. Constitutional amendment (1st consideration) [SJR54] -
JR 11Local health officer degree requirements, admissions authorized by counties to mental health institutes, and references to defunct regional long-term care advisory committees (remedial legislation suggested by DHS) -
Act 259Local health officer mandate to close a business to control an outbreak or communicable disease epidemic limited -
Act 12Personal care voting assistants at residential care facilities and retirement homes during public health emergencies; election fraud committed by election officials; absentee ballots and certificates; prohibiting appointment of certain employees as poll workers; recess of municipal board of canvassers; penalty provisions [vetoed] -
AB570Alternative teacher certification program: nonstock, nonprofit organization requirement removed -
Act 197Early literacy instruction and reading readiness assessments and interventions: Office of Literacy and Council on Early Literacy Curricula created in DPI, teacher licensing and professional development training, model policy for promoting third graders to fourth grade, school district and school report cards, parent notification requirements, complaint by parent or guardian to DPI; reports and sunset provisions -
Act 20Early literacy professional development: expanding who may offer required training; reading readiness assessments administered in 2024-25 school year required -
Act 192Early literacy programs administered by DPI: funding structure [partial veto] -
Act 100High schools required to collect statistics on certain crimes and violations of municipal disorderly conduct occurring on school property or school transportation; DPI duties -
Act 12Lakeland STAR Academy: DPI grant; sunset provision [Sec. 65, 66, 9134 (1), 9434 (1)] [vetoed] -
Act 19Nathan and Esther Pelz Holocaust Education Resource Center: funding from DPI to the Milwaukee Jewish Federation in support of -
Act 248Paraprofessional experience: DPI to issue nonrenewable Tier 1 license to teach under set criteria [vetoed] -
SB608Recollection Wisconsin funding [Sec. 69, 388] -
Act 19Recovery high school grants created; report required; JCF supplemental appropriation -
Act 72Recovery high schools: DPI grants [Sec. 68] -
Act 19Robotics league participation grants: maximum amount increased [Sec. 393] -
Act 19School boards allowed to employ a school district administrator not licensed by DPI [vetoed] -
SB335School breakfast reimbursement and teaching license requirement: obsolete provisions repealed (remedial legislation suggested by DPI) -
Act 262School-based mental health services grants revised [Sec. 389-392] -
Act 19Teacher preparatory program must require one to four semesters of student teaching; DPI report modified and teacher apprenticeship program established [vetoed] -
SB917Tier 1 license from DPI for clinically trained mental health professional created; rules provision [Admin.Code PI 34.0375] -
Act 196Forest land and timber management added to BCPL [Sec. 153] -
Act 19Design professional services: prohibiting enforcement of indemnification provision in a contract with the state or a political subdivision -
Act 211Pay progression caps for deputy and assistant DAs, and assistant SPDs [Sec. 9101 (1)] -
Act 19Judicial security profiles exempt from disclosure under the public records law -
Act 236Public records law: extends nondisclosure requirement re personally identifiable information of confidential law enforcement informants -
Act 223Redacting certain records: law enforcement and corrections agencies may charge a fee; exceptions and forfeiture provisions -
Act 253Counterfeit and unsafe lighters: sale of prohibited -
Act 271Premier resort area tax may be used to pay public safety expenses -
Act 134Public safety interoperable communication system upgrades grant program [Sec. 129] -
Act 19Statewide public safety interoperable communication system: funding to develop and operate [Sec. 128] -
Act 19Statewide public safety interoperable communication system upgrades: grant program for local units of government -
Act 221Broadband expansion grant program changes re unserved areas, speed standards, criteria for evaluation applications, low-cost option, and challenge to awarding a grant -
Act 77Gas pipeline safety violations: maximum penalties increased -
Act 242PFAS group of substances: requirements created and programs established to address issues related to; reports and studies; rule revisions [Admin.Code NR 811.12, PSC 184.06] [vetoed] -
SB312Electric vehicle charging stations: person supplying electricity exempt from public utility regulation; prohibitions on local governments and state agencies from owning, operating, managing, or leasing; excise tax on electric vehicle charging, residence exception; local government cannot require private developer to install -
Act 121Gas pipeline safety violations: maximum penalties increased -
Act 242Public utility incentive aids paid to municipalities and counties [Sec. 357, 358] -
Act 19Regulation of utility services based on type or source of energy: state agencies and political subdivisions prohibition created [vetoed] -
SB49Warning lights on public utility, telecommunications carrier, or cooperative vehicles modified -
Act 155Advisory referendum on the question of requiring able-bodied, childless adults to look for work in order to receive taxpayer-funded welfare benefits [SJR4] -
JR 3Guaranteed income program: political subdivisions may not expend moneys on [vetoed] -
AB146Competitive bidding: threshold for public works projects increased and school boards and MPS required to use; exceptions provided [vetoed] -