Emergency contact information maintained by DOT re application for operator’s license -
Act 57Farm service license endorsement: seasonal period for “F” endorsement increased; rules modified [Admin.Code Trans 120.02] -
Act 28Passing a stopped school bus: penalties increased -
Act 154Probationary driver’s license exemption for persons enlisted in U.S. armed forces -
Act 44Veteran status on Wisconsin operator’s license or ID card to include persons admitted to the U.S. under the Hmong Veterans’ Naturalization Act -
Act 205Catalytic converter removed without vehicle owner’s consent: felony crime created -
Act 166Tinted windows on government-owned police vehicles: exception to tinting limitations set by DOT -
Act 251Warning lights on public utility, telecommunications carrier, or cooperative vehicles modified -
Act 155Whip lights on ATVs and UTVs allowed [vetoed] -
SB216Parking privilege re time limitations for vehicles with disabled parking plates or ID cards expanded to UW System campuses -
Act 59Physical therapists authorized to certify to DOT information necessary for a disabled parking plate or card -
Act 188Tinted windows on government-owned police vehicles: exception to tinting limitations set by DOT -
Act 251Impoundment of vehicles by law enforcement for certain reckless driving offenses: municipalities may enact ordinance authorizing -
Act 1Passing a stopped school bus: penalties increased -
Act 154Reckless driving penalties increased -
Act 9Recreational vehicles: additional regulations for dealers and the relationship between dealers and manufacturers or distributors; definitions modified; bond requirement; vehicle length limit on highways exception -
Act 164Traffic violations committed in a railroad maintenance or construction area: penalties created -
Act 159Hybrid and nonhybrid electric motor vehicles: DOT to issue decals or distinctive registration plates [vetoed] -
SB617Nonhybrid electric vehicle surcharge increased [Sec. 459, 9344 (1)] -
Act 19Recreational vehicles: additional regulations for dealers and the relationship between dealers and manufacturers or distributors; definitions modified; bond requirement; vehicle length limit on highways exception -
Act 164Temporary motor vehicle operation plates issued by DOT to dealers in electronic format required; misuse penalty provision -
Act 45Catalytic converter removed without vehicle owner’s consent: felony crime created -
Act 166Crimes of “operating vehicle without owner’s consent” reorganized under “carjacking”; felony penalty revised -
Act 10Advisory referendum: counties and municipalities prohibited from holding except for capital expenditures funded by property tax levy -
Act 12ATV or UTV operated under the direction of or contract with a municipality or electric cooperative: exemption from certain freeway and highway prohibitions -
Act 64Business operated by minors: political subdivision cannot require a license or permit if operated only occasionally -
Act 168Commercial building plans: local government review expanded; DSPS report on outreach to local governments required [vetoed] -
SB187Community-oriented policing-house grant program sunsetted [Sec. 117, 118, 424, 9427 (1)] -
Act 19Discrimination in hiring and contracting by a political subdivision prohibited re race, color, ancestry, national origin, or sexual orientation -
Act 12Federal refugee resettlement and assistance program: local governments required to designate individual for consultation; county refugee placement committee provisions [vetoed] -
SB916Gathering in places of worship: state and political subdivisions cannot forbid or order closures in response to a state of emergency. Constitutional amendment (1st consideration) [SJR54] -
JR 11Governmental entity may not discriminate or grant preferential treatment on basis of race, sex, color, ethnicity, or national origin in public employment, public education, public contracting, or public administration. Constitutional amendment (1st consideration) [AJR109] -
JR 15Judicial review of local governmental decisions re certain land development, local approval of residential housing development, and zoning ordinance amendments -
Act 16Law enforcement and fire and emergency medical services: political subdivisions required to certify to DOR maintenance of effort for -
Act 12Municipal solid waste facilities alternate method for proof of financial responsibility; provisions for payment of closure, long-term care, and corrective action costs by DNR, JCF approval -
Act 107Nonmetallic quarries: local regulations limited; conditional use permits and zoning ordinance provisions -
Act 12Public records law: extends nondisclosure requirement re personally identifiable information of confidential law enforcement informants -
Act 223Refrigerants acceptable to the EPA as alternatives to ozone-depleting substances: DSPS cannot promulgate a rule and local governments cannot enact or enforce an ordinance prohibiting or limiting use of -
Act 76Regulation of utility services based on type or source of energy: state agencies and political subdivisions prohibition created [vetoed] -
SB49Restricting the use or sale of devices based on energy source: state agencies and local governmental units may not impose [vetoed] -
AB141Restricting the use or sale of motor vehicles based on power source: state agencies and local governmental units may not impose [vetoed] -
AB142Stewardship Program activities or projects: certain local governments required to adopt resolution in support before DNR can submit to JCF for passive review -
Act 12PFAS group of substances: requirements created and programs established to address issues related to; reports and studies; rule revisions [Admin.Code NR 811.12, PSC 184.06] [vetoed] -
SB312Polling place closures: conditions established -
Act 124Comparative local government spending report: DOR to produce annually -
Act 12Connecting highways: reimbursement to cities, towns, and villages for maintenance [Sec. 384] -
Act 19Fire and emergency medical services provided at state veterans homes: grants to fire districts and local governments [Sec. 133, 236, 322, 323] -
Act 19General transportation aids payments [Sec. 377m] [partial veto] -
Act 19Guaranteed income program: political subdivisions may not expend moneys on [vetoed] -
AB146Law enforcement investigative services: DOC to reimburse any county, city, village, or town providing assistance [Sec. 36, 99, 101, 314, 316-318] -
Act 19Municipal flood control and riparian restoration program: cost-sharing grant eligibility modified [Sec. 451] -
Act 19Opportunity attraction and promotion program: WEDC to establish and administer grants; annual report required -
Act 169PFAS group of substances: requirements created and programs established to address issues related to; reports and studies; rule revisions [Admin.Code NR 811.12, PSC 184.06] [vetoed] -
SB312Pre-disaster flood resilience grant program for local governmental units created; DEM to administer -
Act 265Statewide public safety interoperable communication system upgrades: grant program for local units of government -
Act 221Urban storm water, flood control, and riparian restoration appropriation [Sec. 82] -
Act 19Wildlife control in urban communities program: grant eligibility expanded -
Act 50Absentee ballot for the presidential primary: timeline for municipal clerks to send or transmit to certain electors modified -
Act 54Broadcasting live election night canvassing proceedings: municipal clerk, county clerk, or Elections Commission required to record it -
Act 53Election observer procedure revisions, penalty provisions [vetoed] -
AB543Elections: access to election officials' personal information limited, battery against an election official made a felony, whistleblower protections for clerks and election officials re reporting fraud and irregularities, and all committees, political parties, and conduits to register with and submit campaign finance reports to Ethics Commission -
Act 126Personal care voting assistants at residential care facilities and retirement homes during public health emergencies; election fraud committed by election officials; absentee ballots and certificates; prohibiting appointment of certain employees as poll workers; recess of municipal board of canvassers; penalty provisions [vetoed] -
AB570Special voting deputies dispatched to residential care facilities and qualified retirement homes re voting by absentee ballot and circuit court determination of ineligibility to vote due to incompetency revisions [vetoed] -
AB572Business development tax credit and enterprise zone jobs tax credit changes -
Act 143Electric vehicle charging stations: person supplying electricity exempt from public utility regulation; prohibitions on local governments and state agencies from owning, operating, managing, or leasing; excise tax on electric vehicle charging, residence exception; local government cannot require private developer to install -
Act 121Fill on bed of the Great Lakes and river waterfront property: establishing lawful public or private use of; claim provision -
Act 247