Relating to: Rural outsourcing grants
Relating to: Disabled veteran-owned business certification program
Relating to: Reallocations for recovery zone facility bonds
Relating to: Rural outsourcing grants
Relating to: No smoking signs
Relating to: Tax credits for investments in food processing plants and food warehouses
Relating to: Small business innovation research assistance program
Relating to: Forward Innovation Fund
Relating to: Reallocations for recovery zone facility bonds as established under the federal American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009
Relating to: Fees for plan review and inspection of public swimming pools and water attractions
Relating to: Tax benefits for job creation, capital investment, employee training, and corporate headquarters
Relating to: Registration of various types of building contractors not already credentialed by the department under existing administrative rules
Relating to: Wear and fatigue monitoring system and a device that protects against suspension loss for electric traction elevators that use smaller sized wire ropes
Relating to: Fees for plan review and inspection of modifications for public swimming pools and water attractions
Relating to: Allocation of volume cap on tax-exempt private activity bonds
Relating to: Installation and maintenance of carbon monoxide alarms in buildings accommodating certain types of residential occupancies and within which fuel burning appliances are located
Relating to: Emergency assistance grants in the community development block grant program