Permanent Rules: Promulgation Process Completed (Rules archive prior to 1996 is not complete)
Relating to the 2019 Bureau of Wildlife Management housekeeping rule.
Relating to commercial fisheries of lake whitefish in Lake Michigan and affecting small business.
Relating to black bear management.
Relating to ruffed grouse management.
Relating to eliminating night hunting restrictions for raccoons.
Relating to the off-highway motorcycle program.
Relating to cooling water intake structures.
Relating to harvest management regulations in the Lake Superior fishery and affecting small business.
Relating to processes for waterbody assessments and impaired waters listing, biological criteria for water quality standards, and biological confirmation of phosphorus impairments.
Relating to the development of site-specific numeric phosphorus water quality criteria for surface waters.
Relating to minor revisions to fishing regulations on inland, outlying, and boundary waters.
Relating to closed areas and refuges.
Relating to site-specific phosphorus water quality criteria for Petenwell Lake located in Wood, Juneau, and Adams counties, Castle Rock Lake located in Adams and Juneau counties, and Lake Wisconsin located in Columbia and Sauk counties.
Relating to the generation, transportation, recycling, treatment, storage, and disposal of hazardous waste, universal waste, pharmaceuticals, and used oil and affecting small business.
Relating to the beneficial use of industrial byproducts and affecting small business.
Relating to the administration of cost-sharing grant programs for lake and river planning, monitoring, and protection, and aquatic invasive species.
Relating to establishing the 2019 migratory bird season framework and regulations.
Relating to applicability, construction sites.
Relating to public inland lake protection and rehabilitation.
Relating to non-agricultural performance standards, developed urban areas and transportation facility performance standards, and developed urban areas.
Relating to state market development priorities for recycled and recyclable material.
Relating to a forestry research and development grant program.
Relating to the solid waste management grant program.
Relating to effective recycling programs.
Relating to newspaper recycling fees.
Relating to waste reduction and recycling demonstration grants.
Relating to recycling efficiency grants to responsible units.
Relating to waste tire removal and recovery.
Relating to agency roles and responsibilities for petroleum contaminated sites.
Relating to the brownfield green space and public facilities grant program.
Relating to the 2019 Wildlife Management spring hearing rule related to hunting, trapping, and target shooting.
Relating to fishing regulations on inland, outlying and boundary waters.
Relating to increasing the operational efficiency of and simplifying the air permit process, and affecting small business.
Relating to updating Wisconsin's water quality criteria for pathogens, specifically bacteria, to protect recreational uses; and updating related WPDES permit implementation procedures for the revised water quality standards to be consistent with EPA's recreational water quality criteria, and affecting small business.
Relating to taking catfish and rough fish by hand or with a bow and arrow or crossbow.
Relating to marten protection closed areas.
Relating to aquaculture and fish farms.
Relating to wildlife harvest management regulations.
Relating to best management practices, conditions and technical standards to be used in administering cost sharing under chs. NR 153 and 155 and affecting small business.