Permanent Rules: Promulgation Process Completed (Rules archive prior to 1996 is not complete)
Relating to practice of athletic trainers.
Relating to advance practice nurse prescribers collaboration with dentists.
Relating to the nurse licensure compact.
Relating to delegation of services to health care professionals.
Relating to chiropractic preceptorship.
Relating to chiropractic practice.
Relating to examinations.
Relating to scheduling para-chloroisobutyryl fentanyl.
Relating to scheduling of MT-45.
Relating to scheduling of oral solutions containing dronabinol.
Relating to excluding from scheduling naldemine.
Relating to scheduling of ortho-fluorofentanyl.
Relating to scheduling of FUB-AMB.
Relating to cosmetology continuing education.
Relating to cosmetology manager licensing.
Relating to preservation of patient health care records.
Relating to delegation of functions to unlicensed persons.
Relating to the Service Award Program.
Relating to state civil service definitions, absences, resignation, affirmative action and equal opportunity, grievance, merit recruitment and selection, layoff, probation, personnel transactions, career executive employment, limited term employment, and project employment provisions.
Relating to rules of procedure for adjudication of worker's compensation and related claims.
Relating to animal disease movement and animal markets, dealers and truckers, and affeting small business.
Relating to grain warehouse keepers and milk contractors.
Relating to the dog sellers and dog facility operator licensing requirements.
Relating to prohibited noxious weed seeds.
Relating to various minor and technical rule changes.
Relating to livestock premises registration.
Relating to the child care subsidy program.
Relating to a correction affecting the determination of child support when the parents have shared placement and the payer receives the child's SSDI benefits.
Relating to Wisconsin works time limits and extensions.
Relating to facilitating public adoptions and adoption assistance; preadoption training.
Relating to adult supervision.
Relating to the fee for monitoring radiation emissions in the vicinity of nuclear power plants.
Relating to custody and control of ch. 980, Stats., patients.
Relating to vaccine-preventable diseases.
Relating to incentive payments to counties.
Relating to the second opinion program.
Relating to group homes for recovering substance abusers.
Relating to required services of local health departments.
Relating to standards and procedures for the frequent sobriety testing pilot program.
Relating to well construction and pump installation and affecting small business.
Relating to the managed forest law and forest crop law programs.
Relating to regulating volatile organic compound emissions from lithographic printing facilities and affecting small business.
Relating to research, development and demonstration plans at municipal solid waste landfills and other minor corrections.
Relating to elk management.
Relating to wildlife management, hunting opportunities for the physically disabled, and deer management unit boundaries.
Relating to changes to alternative application procedures.
Relating to aid for school mental health programs.
Relating to the Early College Credit Program and changes to PI 40 as a result of 2017 Wisconsin Act 59.
Relating to changes to lifetime licenses as a result of 2017 Wisconsin Act 206.
Relating to restoring part time open enrollment rules.
Relating to changes to PI 15 as a result of 2017 Wisconsin Act 59.
Relating to technical changes to grants for tribal language revitalization as a result of 2017 Wisconsin Act 59.
Relating to youth options program appeals.
Relating to income and franchise tax provisions.
Relating to sales and use tax provisions.
Relating to real estate appraisers.
Relating to real estate appraisal management companies.
Relating to the written reports of home inspectors.
Relating to grants for construction career academies.
Relating to rental unit energy efficiency.
Relating to educational approval chapter on procedure and authority for board functions.
Relating to the administration of grant programs to administer federal and state funds for local public transit services.
Relating to adjustment of thresholds for payment and performance bond requirements.
Relating to minor and technical changes to the unemployment insurance program.
Relating to an order of selection for vocational rehabilitation services.
Relating to the parts of Chapter ETH 1 that have been ruled unconstitutional or have been deemd inconsistent with the new campaign finance law created by 2015 Act 117.
Relating to reporting of lobbying activity.
Relating to architectural experience.
Relating to random audits of credential holders.
Relating to funeral director apprenticeship requirements.
Relating to substance use disorder specialty authorization.
Relating to application for a license and approved training programs.
Relating to respiratory care practitioners.
Relating to sports physician licensure exception.
Relating to perfusionists.
Relating to continuing medical education for physicians.
Relating to requirements for licensure, examinations, and approval of educational programs.
Relating to Wisconsin Insurance Plan ("WIP").
Relating to health insurance risk-sharing program.
Relating to employee welfare funds.
Relating to the insurance security fund board.
Relating to continuing education.
Relating to third party logistics providers.
Relating to a requirement that a pharmacist displays his or her license at the pharmacy.
Relating to the adoption of the 2017 edition of the National Electrical Safety Code into Volume1 of the State Electrical Code.
Relating to continuing education.
Relating to violation of board orders.