Permanent Rules: Promulgation Process Completed (Rules archive prior to 1996 is not complete)
Relating to the tracking of sexual assault kits in sexual assault cases.
Relating to the storage and processing of sexual assault kits.
Relating to administration of the crime victims compensation program.
Relating to requirements for pepper spray products sold in Wisconsin for private defensive use.
Relating to procedures for carrying out sex offender registration requirements.
Relating to standards and procedures for the frequent sobriety testing pilot program.
Relating to awards made to health care providers from the Sexual Assault Forensic Exam ("SAFE") Fund for the costs in performing sexual assault forensic examinations.
Relating to procedures and standards for the submission of human biological specimens, the analysis of DNA in those specimens, the maintenance of a databank of DNA analysis data, and the use and disposition of specimens and data in the bank.
Relating to licenses authorizing persons to carry concealed weapons; concealed carry certification cards for qualified former federal law enforcement officers; the recognition by Wisconsin of concealed carry licenses issued by other states; and the certification of firearms safety and training instructors.