Relating to: prohibiting a foreign adversary from acquiring agricultural or forestry land in this state.
Relating to: a sales and use tax exemption for the sale of gun safes. (FE)
Relating to: allowing certain married persons to claim the earned income tax credit when filing a separate return. (FE)
Relating to: creating an employee ownership conversion costs tax credit, a deduction for capital gains from the transfer of a business to employee ownership, and an employee ownership education and outreach program. (FE)
Relating to: access to public high schools for military recruiters.
Relating to: allowing representatives of certain federally chartered youth membership organizations to provide information to pupils on public school property.
Relating to: incorporating cursive writing into the state model English language arts standards and requiring cursive writing in elementary grades. (FE)
Relating to: participation in interscholastic athletics and application of the public records and open meetings laws to interscholastic athletic associations.
Relating to: changes to the educational assessment program and the school and school district accountability report. (FE)
Relating to: requiring school boards to make textbooks, curricula, and instructional materials available for inspection by school district residents.
Relating to: fee waivers for state park vehicle admission receipts to pupils with Every Kid Outdoors passes. (FE)
Relating to: limitations on the total value of taxable property that may be included in, and the lifespan of, a tax incremental financing district created in the city of Middleton. (FE)
Relating to: agreements for direct primary care.
Relating to: pelvic exams on unconscious patients and creating an administrative rule related to hospital requirements for pelvic exams on unconscious patients.
Relating to: extension of eligibility under the Medical Assistance program for postpartum women. (FE)
Relating to: battery or threat to jurors and providing a penalty.
Relating to: impoundment of vehicles used in certain traffic offenses.
Relating to: increased penalties for crimes against adults at risk; restraining orders for adults at risk; freezing assets of a defendant charged with financial exploitation of an adult at risk; sexual assault of an adult at risk; and providing a penalty.
Relating to: special circumstances battery to a community service officer and providing a penalty.
Relating to: court-issued criminal complaints in officer-involved deaths.
Relating to: requiring state employees to perform their work at the offices of their employer.
Relating to: technical colleges’ lease of their facilities to others. (FE)
Relating to: expanding veterans benefits to individuals who served in Laos in support of the United States during the Vietnam War.
Relating to: repair and replacement of implements of husbandry under warranty.
Relating to: special registration plates with white lettering on a black background. (FE)
Relating to: requiring local approval for certain wind and solar projects before Public Service Commission approval.